
Number & Algebra   I   Measurement & Geometry   I   Statistics & Probability

In Mathematics, we will develop students' fluency, reasoning and understanding through the following areas:


Number - Our main focus for the term will be using a range of strategies to apply mathematical modelling to solve practical problems involving division. The opportunity to represent unit fractions and their multiples in different ways, will also include money. We will investigate the connection fractions have to decimals and percentages. 


Measurement & Geometry - We will be comparing angles in relation to right angles. We will also be investigating the properties of 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional objects.


Statistics & Probability - We will be creating and interpreting displays of data using lists, tables and graphs. During the Olympics we will utilise real life data sets by recording and analysing results. We will also be exploring chance and probability scenarios.


Problem-Solving will be incorporated regularly throughout all Mathematics areas to provide students with the opportunity to build on their own understanding and strategy use as well as refine their abilities to justify and explain solutions.