
Reading   I   Writing   I   Speaking & Listening

In Term 3, students will develop their Literacy skills by:


Reading - We will continue to focus on the two levels of comprehension: literal (identify what is stated in the text), and inferential (identify what is implied, by using the clues and thinking deeply about the text). We will be developing our evaluative comprehension skills. This requires the children to form their own thoughts and opinions in relation to a text and justify their opinions. You could assist at home by discussing the text they are reading or a documentary you have watched together.


Writing - We will be exploring and creating texts with a main focus on information reports. We will be learning how to take notes and summarise using the 'Skinny Notes' strategy. This involves being able to identify the key parts of a texts and visual literacies and taking notes using our own words (not just copying directly from the text). Students will continue to edit and revise their work for meaning and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.


Spelling - We will continue with a weekly spelling focus, as well as a word list that is either determined by errors made in writing/assessments or words relating to the weekly class focus. These need to be practised in preparation for a test at the end of each week. 

The weekly spelling focus will be viewed through either a phonology, morphology or etymology lens.


Speaking & Listening - Students will contribute actively to class discussions, pose questions, provide feedback, reflect and examine their points of view. Students will also prepare and practise delivering short presentations for the purpose of informing others.