School Captain News
School Captain News
What's Happening Week 4 Term 3
Joke time!
What is a cat’s favourite colour??
Answer at the bottom of the page
Pyjama Day
Today was Pyjama Day! We were so stoked to see all of you wearing spectacular and creative pyjamas today! We raised a total of 1232.65 cents, thanks to everyone for donating.
Congratulations to all of the following students who won the Best Pyjamas Award!
Year Prep: Caoimhe Prep A
Year 1: Claudia 1A
Year 2: Giovanni 2C
Year 3: Olivia 3C
Year 4: Lucia 4A
Year 5: Niamh 5B & Imogen 5C
Year 6: Jared 6B
Congratulations to all of our winners!
A few photos from the day
Yard Slips Winners
This week’s yard slip winners are:
Manuel from 1C for being responsible and Raviell from 3C for being respectful
Behaviour Bucks
This week's behaviour buck winners are
Juniors: 2D with 26 points
Seniors: 6C & 6D with a two-way tie having 32 points!
Answer to the joke!
It’s purrr-ple!!
Take some time to relax, and have a safe weekend!
-Cruz, Ivy, Amelia & Lesra