Student Attendance

Recording attendance

Jacana School for Autism must record student attendance twice per day. This is necessary to:

  • meet legislative requirements
  • discharge Jacana School for Autism duty of care for all students

Recording absences

For absences where there is no exemption in place, a parent must provide an explanation on each occasion to the school. 

Parents should notify Jacana School for Autism of absences by:

  • texting the STUDENT ABSENCE mobile 0439 114 197, informing the name of the student, room number and reason for absence

If Jacana School for Autism considers that the parent has provided a reasonable excuse for their child’s absence the absence will be marked as ‘authorised absence’. 


If the school determines that no reasonable excuse has been provided, the absence will be marked as ‘unauthorised absence’. 


Monitoring Unexplained Absences


Please ensure to follow the student absence flowchart, when monitoring unexplained absences.