
PSA Summer Season
Round 3 Recap
Round 3 of the summer season was against Scotch College. The first regatta of the Rowing season was also held at Aquinas College. Congratulations to the Trinity boatshed for winning the Nick Garratt Shield as the overall winners of the Regatta.
- 1st V Basketball – Trinity 73 def by Scotch 80
- 1st XI Cricket – Trinity 10/149 def by Scotch 6/167
- 1st VIII Rowing – 5th
- 1st VIII Tennis – Trinity 13 def Scotch 11
- 1st VI Volleyball – Trinity 3 def Scotch 2
- 1st VII Water Polo – Trinity 6 def by Scotch 19
In other results, Volleyball were once again successful, with a majority of our teams coming away victorious - this included our 1sts, 2nds, Middle A and Middle B teams. Our 8A tennis team bounced back strongly against Scotch winning convincingly 119-12, while our 8A and B Basketball teams both had impressive wins by large margins.
PSA Summer Season
Round 4
Round 4 of the summer season is against Hale in a home fixture. Parents are welcome to attend the games and support their son throughout the two days of fixtures.
1st team details against Hale on Saturday 2 November:
- Basketball – 10.30am @ TC Sports Centre
- Cricket – 9.30am @ Mann Oval
- Tennis – 8.30am @ Mt Lawley Tennis Club
- Volleyball – 11.15am @ Hale School Gym
- Water Polo – 10.45am @ Hale School Pool
All other fixtures can be found on the Sports Fixture page on Seqta.
Year 11 Exam Break
Sport Expectations
From next week onwards, the Year 11's will be on exam break for two weeks, followed by their Christian Service week. However, the PSA summer sporting season continues until the final fixture against Wesley on Saturday 23rd of November. It is an expectation that all Year 11's will fulfil their college sporting obligations and attend each Saturday fixture for the whole term. It will be compulsory for all students to play in the last three fixtures of the term against Guildford (9/11), Aquinas (16/11), and Wesley (23/11). The last fixture is also the day of the Trinity Rowing Regatta. Exam, work, club sport, etc will not be valid reasons for being absent from a sport fixture. None of these fixtures will be a 1sts only fixture.
The fixtures and teams will be released on Seqta each week for students and parents to see. The full fixture for each weekend can also be seen on the Sports Fixture page on Seqta. The training schedule will still be the same each week and students are encouraged to attend training; however, it will not be compulsory. If students are playing in a Firsts team, then they are to make every effort to attend training. Students who have two training sessions a week are asked to attempt to attend at least one session. Those students with one session are to try and attend, however we understand that this might not be possible. Rowing will have a separate training timetable. Communication from students to their managers and coaches throughout these three weeks is vital.
PSA Code of Conduct
Walking around the various playing venues on Fridays or Saturdays is always a delight, seeing the multitude of parents, families, spectators, and students gathered to watch and cheer on the Trinity teams. The spirit shown are admired by many of the PSA schools and offer incredible support to the students as they proudly represent Trinity College in the blue and green. While we encourage a strong turnout of spectators each week to bolster the students, it's crucial to emphasise that this support should always be in good spirit, with the well-being of the students, staff, and coaches as the top priority.
As we are now three weeks into the 2024/25 Summer season, it is a timely reminder for all families to adhere to the PSA Code of Conduct. This code outlines essential guidelines for maintaining the standard of behaviour expected within the Trinity community. You can find the PSA Code of Conduct on the PSA website - PSA Code of Conduct
Let's all continue to support our students in the right manner during every sporting event, regardless of year group, level, or sport.
Thank you for your continued support of the Trinity Sporting Program.
Ryan Lockyer
Director of Sport