NPS Art Gallery

Term 4 Art Curriculum
We are well into term 4 and the students have been working hard and having fun in art. Since art was introduced as a specialist subject in term 3, the students have consistently shown great enthusiasm for these sessions. The content of the art curriculum is based (loosely) around what the students are doing for other integrated curriculum (IC) topics. Whilst the IC curriculum influences the content in art, the students are learning a range of techniques with different media.
This term the F1 class have re-visited the watercolour with oil pastel and wax crayon resist technique, manipulating the watercolours to blend colours on the paper surface. The students have been learning how oil and wax don’t mix with water and ‘push’ the watercolour off the pastel/crayon surface.
They have also explored line using black ‘Sharpie’ pens. By adding short, wiggly and repetitive lines, they have learnt how to enhance a simple line drawing.
During the rest of the term, the students will make a mono print ‘slime monster’ by applying acrylic paint and folding their page to see how the paint spreads and the colours blend. They learnt in term 3, how to make a range of different colours from primary colours, black and white. They will also learn how to render with both grey lead and coloured pencils, do rubbings and construct with paper and mixed media.
During term 4, the 234 and 456 classes began by exploring how they could use black ‘Sharpie’ and ‘Fineliner’ pens to render objects, text, and to block out areas of background to create dynamic images. Both classes created jigsaw puzzle pieces expressing their identity, and then the 234 class created slogans for saving energy and the 456 class, scenarios for energy saving in graphic novel-comic style.
Both classes have also been working on self-portraits inspired by Frida Kahlo, incorporating symbols that have meaning to them. The 234 class used watercolour, blending the colours on the paper surface to create depth and interest. Meanwhile, the 456 class are creating their self-portraits as relief sculptures with modelling clay.
For the remainder of the term, the 234 class will use oil pastels exploring mark making to create a First Nations Songline inspired artwork based on maps of the local area. Both 234 and 456 will learn how to create an image from one point perspective, inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘Bedroom in Arles’. They will also explore the use of mixed media in one image to make a Henri Rousseau inspired artwork, and re-visit acrylic painting to explore a Margaret Preston style painting of Australian plants. Finally, the students will complete an outdoor ‘plein air’ piece to capture the spirit and essence of our local natural landscape.