Where everyone is Welcome!
Calendar Dates- What's on.
17th Student Movie Night
18th Yarra Valley Water - Incursion
24th Twilight Sports
31st Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools
4th School Closure Day
5th Melbourne Cup - Public Holiday
7th Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools
14th Fire Ed Program - P/1
14th Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools
21st Fire Ed Program - P/1
21st Cricket Clinic - Sporting Schools
Hail Mary,
Full of Grace,
The Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.
From the Principal
Dear Families,
It was lovely to return to school this week following my three weeks in Spain. Taking part in the Camino, walking from Sarria to Santiago de Compostela, with colleagues was a wonderful experience both personally and professionally. The 115km trek covered various terrains through towns, farms and larger cities. The many encounters with other pilgrims along the way provide lasting memories. It was exciting to arrive at the Cathedral of St James where the relics of the apostle are housed.
I thank all the staff for their support while I was away as they welcomed and led students into the final term of 2024.
The month of October is one that is dedicated to the Rosary, through which we are drawn closer to Christ through Mary. We are also strengthened by our relationship with Mary through her faith, hope and love.
There are many other events this term. This evening all students have been invited to the Movie Night. Every student had the opportunity to vote for the movie that they will watch, which is Ratatouille.
Next Thursday night is Twilight Sports. Mrs Sherriff has been preparing the students for each of the events that they will participate in. As always, the sports night is an opportunity for us all to gather in community to support the students and to socialise with others.
Earlier this week Eliza R and Zara R represented St Philip’s at the Regional Athletics Meet at Tom Kelly Reserve. Eliza participated in discuss and advanced to Region while Zara participated in shotput. We congratulate both girls on their abilities and achievements and the positivity they express to others during such events. We wish Eliza well in Region on Thursday.
School Assemblies
School assemblies for this term are listed below. We do encourage parents and friends to attend when available. The students enjoy sharing their learning with our community. Visitors to assembly are also welcome to stay for a coffee or tea afterwards.
Date | Assembly/Class |
18.10.24 | General |
25.10.24 | General |
01.11.24 | General |
08.11.24 | General |
15.11.24 | Grades 4-6 |
22.11.24 | Grades 2/3 |
28.11.24 (Thursday) | Prep |
06.12.24 | General |
13.12.24 | General |
18.12.24 | Final School Assembly |
Best wishes always,
Michelle Worcester
The Great Aussie Bird Count
This week in STEM we have joined with people all around Australia to participate in the Great Aussie Bird Count! Our task was to spend 20 minutes outside, observing and recording the various bird species that we have in our school grounds. Our results were added to the overall Aussie Bird Count. I encourage all families to get involved by registering your details and conducting your own bird count in your backyard or at a local park. The Great Aussie Bird Count concludes this Sunday 20th October, so please register and get counting!
Experience Whitefriar's Day
On Wednesday, 4/5/6 went to visit Whitefriars, a catholic college for boys. We left at 9 am in one of the college’s minibuses. When we arrived, we were given special lanyards with the information about the activities and what time they were. From 10 am to 11 am, we had a fun sports session. In the sports session, we played 2 rounds of Octopus and we played a game of soccer. At 11 am, we went outside to eat our snack and play. Once it was 11:24 am, we went to the Food Technology Room. In the Food Technology Room, we made edible Christmas balls. They had chocolate and a crushed peppermint chocolate bar on the inside, and they were coated with coconut on the outside. At 12:27 pm we went to our Science session. We learnt about Exothermic and Endothermic reactions. The science teachers taught us that Endothermic means that the object needs heat. Exothermic means the object produces heat. They also did a few experiments in front of us. From 1:27 pm to 2:15 pm, we went outside to have our lunch. Before we left we received a show bag each. We all believe that our time at Whitefriars will always be memorable.
Andy Griffiths
We had a whole school incursion with Andy Griffiths where he talked about his latest book “The Land Of Lost Things.” He spoke about how to prepare for an adventure, for example, he said “If you are heading towards a cliff, would you stop or keep going?” Most people picked to keep going and some people said stop. If you kept going you would unlock a bigger adventure but if you said stop your journey would end there. Afterwards, he gave us a sheet of paper and had some illustrations saying “Remember when we..” and schools all over Australia had to finish the sentence with their creativity and imagination, Then they had to illustrate a picture with the sentence. After everyone was done illustrating they handed in our entries. We entered into the competition with several other schools. Only ten schools were to be chosen to receive his new book with a signature. After a three-month wait, we were declared as one of the lucky winners!!! We were exhilarated to find out the happy news.
-Capucine, Daisy and Carol.
Our Gourmet Garden Vegie Patch
Look at how far our Vegie Patch revamp has come! Gone are all the overgrown weeds and in their place; newly planted fruits and vegetables! We are most grateful to Woolworths for the Junior Landcare Grant and Bunnings Nunawading for their expertise and generous donations. Thank you also to our Sustainability Team for continuing to maintain and water our garden. Our produce will soon be ready to be picked and eaten! We can't wait!
Cake Raffle
We appreciate our families volunteering for cake raffle bringing joy to the children at assembly every week. The weekly cake raffle will be drawn at Assembly on Friday mornings. To support this fundraiser we ask for volunteers to provide a sweet treat (eg; cake, slice, cookies, cupcakes etc) to be raffled. Please sign up for Term 4 to bake using the following link
All donations of baked goods require a list of ingredients attached.
Raffle tickets are 20c each and sold at the beginning of assembly.
Thank you for your support
Tuck Shop
Tuckshop is without a doubt the highlight of the week for the children. This would not be possible without our small team of committed volunteers showing up week after week. We need one extra mum or dad to add to our amazing team of volunteers to help with only one Friday per term from 11.30am - 2.30pm. Please reach out to Clara on 0449 767 020 or Angi on 0431 021 711 if you can help.
We appreciate your support.
Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school!