Grade 2

Explore the Learning in Grade 2

The first 5 weeks of this term have absolutely flown by and we can't believe that there are only 6 weeks left until the end of the year!



Reminders And Dates For Grade 2 Students

Monday 2nd December - EcoLinc - Paper Making Incursion

Friday 6th December - EcoLinc - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Excursion

Week 10 - Grade 2 Swimming

Friday 20th December - Last day of school - 1.30pm finish


As we approach the end of year and embrace the festive season, our classrooms often become inundated with the gift of giving and receiving cards and small treats between students. We love this! However, we understand that each family may have different approaches and expectations about Christmas candy. This is just a small note to say Teacher's will be asking students to place all items that are handed out during school times straight in their bags so that they can bring them home, and as parents, you can decide if and when they can be consumed. A Maths lesson after 5 candy canes can take a very different turn! If you can please discuss this and reinforce it with your children prior to the festive season, that would be greatly appreciated.



Reading: During the next 6 weeks, students will continue to engage in explicit phonics lessons and daily fluency practise, focussing on their accuracy, rate and expression. During their vocabulary and comprehension lessons, students will focus on applying the skills and strategies they need to make meaning, including inferencing, making connections and summarising texts.

Writing: During the next 6 weeks, students will be learning about the language and devices required to develop their own procedural text. In their explicit syntax and grammar lessons, they will learn to unscramble sentences when give a statement, question, command or exclamation, as well as revising concepts from earlier in the year. They will also be completing handwriting lessons based around our phonics focus for each week.

Speaking and Listening: During the next 6 weeks, students will be focussing on making conscious choices of vocabulary to suit audience and purpose.



Number & Algebra: During the next 6 weeks, Students will continue to revise strategies to complete the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication & division), including solving multi-step worded problems.

Measurement & Geometry: During the next 6 weeks, Students will be revising topics covered during the year such as; calendar and clock times, identifying features of 2D and 3D shapes and comparing length, capacity and mass. 

Statistics & Probability: During the next 6 weeks, students will be interpreting and solving problems using the language of chance and revising the collection and sorting of data.



During the next 6 weeks, students will continue exploring our Inquiry Unit on 'Caring and Sharing'. They will investigate the 5R's; Refuse, Reduce, Recycle, Reuse and Repurpose and consider how they can apply their knowledge to help reduce theirs and others impact on the environment. The students will continue to work creativity to construct useful items out of things that may be otherwise thrown away. 



The Grade 2 students will keep singing and playing instruments to express their experiences and ideas. In the coming weeks, they will also learn some Wadawurrung language by singing the song “Colours of Country”. 


Physical Education: 

As we approach the second half of Term 4, Year Two students will complete their unit on Gymnastics, and also work on linked movement sequences through dance. 



In the last half of the term, Visual Arts students will dive into a "choice-based" learning approach, focused on Teaching for Artistic Behavior (TAB). This method empowers students to choose their own artistic paths, exploring what interests them most. Art stations include clay sculpting, drawing, painting, collage, and construction. Each station allows students to experiment, build skills, and express creativity. We’re excited to see the unique and personal art each student will create!



During STEM sessions students will also be introduced to a variety of coding and technology activities including coding robots, circuit kits and online coding. They will learn about circuits, how they work and experiment with building their own. Students will also learn about coding and will practise by using our coding robots and a number of coding programs including Scratch and Lego Bits & Bricks.