Early Learning Centre
Our Learning
During this fortnight in the 3-and 4-year-old kindergarten, the children have been undertaking learning in the following areas:
Pre-Reading : Clapping out the syllables in their name. Developing visual tracking through playing catch and kicking a ball to a friend (Visual tracking skills) Borrowing books from the ELC library. Looking for the story contained in the illustrations of a book. |
Pre-Writing: Signing themselves in on arrival each day. Developing and refining their fine motor skills through a range of activities including threading, peg boards, playdough, cutting with scissors, tearing paper, pipe cleaners drawing and painting. Using Tommy Turtle to develop their understanding of how to form letters. Developing their core strength through climbing, balancing, stabilizing, dancing, jumping and running. |
STEM : Developing an understanding of measurements (length/height) use of rulers, lose parts. Developing an understanding of the properties of materials and the capabilities of tools is essential for effective work. |
Inquiry : Exploring the Unit of Inquiry: Sharing the Planet. Creating an understanding of living and nonliving things through group discussions. Discovering the key characteristics of living things. Being able to identify living and nonliving things. Life cycle of bees, insects, bugs. |
Social & emotional learning : Self check-in. Sharing thoughts and feelings on our return to kinder. Exploring emotions. |
Celebration of learning
Enrolments for free 3 and 4 year old sessional kindergarten.
Enrol through Casey Council for Hillsmeade Kindergarten.
Long Day Care enrolments with kindergarten is through the ELC office.
You can contact the ELC or pop in for a visit for enrolment inquires.
Phone: 9704 6313 - Option ELC
Email: elc@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au