Sustainable snapshot

By Miss Dunstan

Recycle your used batteries at Hillsmeade PS - Closes 19th November

Battery collections are happening in classrooms right now! 

As part of the City of Casey 'School Battery Blitz' we have signed up to collect as many used batteries as we can, until November 19th. 

Batteries cannot go into ANY curb side bins and must be specially recycled. We are collecting AAA, AA, C, D, 9V, 6V and button cell batteries. 


The student who collects the most batteries from each class will win hot chips.

National Recycling Week - November 11th to 17th 

 National Recycling Week is fast approaching and Hillsmeade will be getting involved with activities in classes during the week. 

Our Marine Team will be presenting to classes on the importance of recycling correctly and helping to teach all students about what can and cannot be recycled. 

In the City of Casey you can recycle - aluminium cans, hard plastic number 1-5, glass, cardboard and paper. If in doubt please leave it out - contamination in recycling causes many items to be sent to landfill.