Year 5 Update
Upcoming Learning for Term 4, Weeks 5&6
- Reading- To continue reading our class novel Wonder. This text give us the opportunity to look at different character perspectives whilst performing our literature circle roles.
- Writing- To utilise the Writers' Workshop Writing process to plan, draft and publish a persuasive text and an information report.
- Maths- To demonstrate our understanding of different subtraction strategies.
- Inquiry- To develop our understanding of the demographics, landscape and culture of Europe, North America and Asia in relation to Australia.
- Social and Emotional Learning- To understand gender diversity, human rights, and help-seeking strategies to promote inclusivity and support for all individuals.
Upcoming Events
27th November- Curriculum Day (no school)
11th December - Little Day Out - excursion to Social Fair $40 to be paid prior to 6/12/24
Reflecting on Volume, Mass & Capacity - Hands on learning.
Cultural dishes- Geography Homework
Thank you to our families of 5A for sharing your traditional dishes with us.
Hillsmeade Heroes
Congratulations to our Hillsmeade Heroes for this fortnight:
5A- Our entire class - Well done on the positive comments received by staff whilst Ms Hughes was away ill.
5B- Murtaza & Khadeejah
5C- Jayda & Kevin
5E- Maya & Hayden
Hats are now compulsory. Please check if your child has their named hat at school. Students without hats are required to stay in an undercover area for sun protection.
Math - Students should work on their My Numeracy goals as part of their regular homework routine.
Reading - Students are expected to read every night, with their progress tracked in their diaries or homework books.
Inquiry - Students are working on a "Travel the Globe" project, where they will complete weekly tasks focused on their chosen country, with only their summaries required for submission.