Community notices

Calendar Art Competition
I invite your students to participate in my 2025 art calendar competition. The theme of the calendar is "I love Adelaide because...”.
Primary school students are invited to create a piece of art depicting what they love most about Adelaide. This could be a landmark, a location, a local product or identity, or an event. The possibilities are endless.
The twelve most iconic, creative and visually striking entries will be featured in our calendar and receive a copy of the publication. The winning image will also be featured on the cover and the artist will receive a certificate and Parliament House pen.
The requirements for submission are detailed in the below form.
Submissions close 5pm, Sunday, 13 October 2024 and can be scanned and emailed to:
The winners will be announced on Friday, 18 October 2024 on my social media and will be notified by email.
Further information on the competition and additional submission forms are available on my website.
Kind regards,
The Hon. Robert Simms MLC
Greens Spokesperson for City of Adelaide
History book for sale
Have you seen the Uraidla book written by local historian Geoffrey Bishop on behalf of the East Torrens Historical Society? It tells the story of the Uraidla township, from the beginning to current day and is a fascinating read!
Books are $35 and there are copies for sale at the Front Office.