School News

Cricket Pitch
We have recently been successful in winning a Place to Play Grant from the South Australian Cricket Association. The successful application means that we have enough funds to provide us with a new concrete cricket pitch. Thank you to the Uraidla Cricket Club and Ben Sutton for your work towards the application and letter of support from Josh Teague (Member for Heysen). We will let you know when construction of the replacement pitch will begin.
Stool Giveaway
We have just upgraded the school's Art stools and have a surplus of stools. If you are interested in any of the old stools, please head to the garden shed and help yourselves to those by the rubbish bins. First in first served. Thanks
A big congratulations to Anji, Elsa, Harriet, Ila, Ada and Ruby on their Under 13's Division 3 Netball grand final win on Saturday 7/9/2024. Excellent Effort!
A note from Kirrily
A little well-being fact - coming off of last night's incredible Music Showcase. Did you know that singing has been proven to reduce stress? Studies have shown that when people sing, endorphins and oxytocin are released by the brain, which in turn lowers stress and anxiety levels. I know for some singing in front of others may just do the opposite... but the next time you're in a car or on your own cleaning the house, give singing at the top of your lungs a shot! It also improves your breathing and exercises major muscle groups in the upper body, which can increase your overall health.
Who else felt uplifted after last night's performances??
Have a great weekend,
Parents and Friends
The Parents and Friends would like to welcome any new members to join our ranks! We meet Tuesday evenings at 7pm twice a term. Our next meeting is at the Primary School on 27 October at 7pm. Come along and have fun while supporting your kids! 🙂
Here is some general information about Parents and Friends:
We are a group of parents and friends of the school, who share the vision of an inclusive and welcoming school community. We focus on activities that raise funds for the school for equipment and experiences and provide opportunities to bring everyone together and feel part of our community. Best of all we have a lot of fun and laughs while doing it.
We meet twice a term, and everyone volunteers to run or support different activities throughout the year. You can join the committee, or we welcome volunteers for events and activities.
P&F activities you can volunteer to help out with include:
- Willow Café ( run after assemblies, hot drinks and snacks)
- Sausage sizzles for Acquaintance night/ end of year concert
- Second hand uniform sales
- Kytons Bakery sale
- School Disco
- Large events like the Colour Run/Art Show
To join, come along to a meeting (dates in the yearly planner) or email to express your interest in helping out with events.
Meet the Parents and Friends
Hi, I’m Niccola. You’ll often find me hanging out under the monkey bars with Edie, who is in Kelly’s Reception class. I’m also mother to Jude (3) and Dandy, a manic Sheepadoodle pup. When I’m not wrangling small children and animals, I work as a creative director for an advertising agency. Our family moved from Sydney last year and we so lucky to have joined this beautiful community. It’s been wonderful joining P&F, they’re welcoming and supportive and now I see lots of friendly, familiar faces on the playground. If you see me, please give me a wave. I’m always up for a chat!
Uniform Ordering
Did you know our school uniforms can now be ordered through Flexi Schools? We have the whole range available for you to order through the Flexi schools app. Place your order online and we will get the order packaged and delivered to your child.
Alternatively, please come into the front office on a Monday or Friday for a viewing/fitting or to purchase.
Enrolment in Reception
If you have a child turning 5 in the next 12 months, they should have already enrolled to start school. Children either start school at the start of the year or in July, depending on their age.
Our school has now reached capacity, which means that we give priority enrolment to children in our catchment area. Please note that younger siblings of existing students are guaranteed enrolment.
If you are speaking to other families about enrolling in school, they can find their local school through the Find My School website: Find a school zone or preschool catchment area (
Enrolments for the start of 2025 should already be finalised, whether for the start of the year or mid 2025, for our staff planning.
Please contact the front office for a registration of interest form today!
Maria's Kitchen