A message from Margie

Music Showcase
Congratulations to all of our musical performers at last night's annual Music Showcase. We heard our school concert band and rock band, our Festival of Music choir and numerous instrumental music students performing individually and in small groups in guitar, ukelele, keyboard, drums, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet and flute. What a talented and hardworking, and BRAVE, bunch! Thank you to our music teachers Cara Bilstein, Guy Philips, Carol Young and Natasha Rogers (filling in for Peter Young on leave). We hope you enjoy these photos from our Showcase!
Tri Skills
It's been an exciting time for all students as they have been introduced to gymnastics this past fortnight through the Tri Skills GYMNASTICS Steps. Tri Skills staff have been teaching students a sequenced progression of lessons that develop each student's ability to perform elements of movement and sequences for each year level. Thank you to Troy for securing a grant to offer this exciting program to our students free of charge.
Gravity & Other Myths
We would like to send a HUGE thank you to the Parents and Friends group for funding an upcoming Circus session for all students, worth $3500.
What is Gravity & Other Myths?
Gravity & Other Myths is an Australian circus company pushing the boundaries of contemporary circus. GOM’s work utilises an honest approach to performance to create shows with a focus on human connection and acrobatic virtuosity.
Basic group acrobatics workshop – This is ideal for young groups with limited or intermediate experience. We teach basic partner pyramids and work our way up from there catering to the skill level and enthusiasm of each participant. It’s fun, challenging, safe for beginners and ideal for schools.
Students will be participating in sessions on Monday 16th or Wednesday 18th September. We are not sending home permission or medical forms for this incursion, and will use school health information provided. Please let the front office know if you have any questions or concerns about your child's participation. Thank you!
Staffing News Term 4
Next term is a crazy one for school leaders, so we have decided that Troy will work 4 days a week in the office, helping to organise end-of-year events, planning for 2025 and supporting students. Emma will take over Troy's 2 days of teaching, running his PE lessons on Tuesdays (in addition to her PE classes on Thursdays) and teaching Stephen's Year 3 class on Fridays.
Jess will continue in the Reception class next term, since Katie is taking a little extra time at home with her baby Chloe. We look forward to seeing Katie back at the beginning of next year!
Thank you to Jess and Emma for their flexibility. 🙌
Thank you
Thank you to the fabulous helpers for this week's lightning carnival, from drivers to coaches and even a cheer squad. We always feel so fortunate to have such great support from families.
Planning for 2025
We are already in full swing, preparing for the 2025 school year. If you are planning to move schools at the end of the year, it would be helpful for us to know this as soon as possible. I promise we're not trying to get rid of you 😋, just trying to squeeze everyone in and work out the most successful class groupings.
I'll be off to Canada to visit my Mum at the end of next week and will return in Week 2 next term. I leave the school in Troy's very capable hands so please feel free to contact him if you have any questions in my absence.
Have a wonderful fortnight everyone!