What's Happening

Term 3, 2024
Friday 6th September - School Athletics Carnival
Thursday 12th September - R U OK? D
Thursday 12th September - Parent / Teacher Interviews
Friday 13th September - Year 3/4 Mansfield Zoo Excursion
Monday 16th September - Australian Dental Health Visit
Thursday 19th September - Foundation Excursion to The Gruffalo
Thursday 19th September - Term 3 EMMAC Excursion
Friday 20th September - Foodbank Food Fight
Friday 20th September - Last day of Term 3
Food Bank Food Fight
Our Foodbank Food Fight is coming up in just two weeks! Thank you so much for your support so far. We have already raised over $14,000 which has allowed us to see the sliming of Mr Lovett, Ms Bilski, Ms Pfeiffer, Mrs Ryan, Mrs Nish & Carol. If we can reach our next goal of $15,000 by Friday the 13th, we will see Zoe, Kristen & Mr Bailie also get slimed.
The money we have raised will help support the 57,000 people Foodbank Victoria is feeding every day.
However, we still have some work to do, and we would love everyone’s support! It’s not too late to create a profile or start fundraising. Just jump on foodfight.com.au to create your page and get started. Most donations come from people other than yourself, so please share with as many people as you’re comfortable with!
As we are now 2 weeks out it is important to remind you all of what to bring for the Food Fight:
- White t-shirt
- Old runners
- Shorts that can be coloured
- Water bottle
- Towel
- Change of clothes
We are so excited to give you the funnest, messiest day ever!
Thank you so much!
2025 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2025 are now open! Students that are new to a Victorian Government School can be enrolled through the online enrolment process. Please visit https://students.educationapps.vic.gov.au/s/ to register and submit an application. Paper enrolment forms are also available from the school office.
Every day is an open day at Cobram Primary School and we love to demonstrate our excellent teaching and learning! Please phone the office on 58721374 for a school tour.