Physical Education

Miss Lauren Kavanagh

What a start to the Term 4! 

Last Friday Karoo had our All Star Boys and All Star Girls Basketball teams compete in the Division finals at the State Basketball Centre. It was a very tough competition for both teams and after a successful, well fought out day our boys finished 5th overall and our girls finished 6th overall. A huge thank you to Robyn Howard and Tim Aumann for coaching both our teams so successfully!


Also competing in Round Two of Hooptime this week was our Karoo Kings Future Stars. After being undefeated all day they fell short in the Grand Final by 3 points, but what an incredible effort! Another huge thank you to Dave Ellison and Sarah Elliot for coaching. Without the continued support and dedication from our wonderful parents Karoo's sporting success would not be possible, so a huge heartfelt thank you from myself and the students.