Student Awards

The following awards will be handed out at this weeks assembly, the 20th of September at 2.00pm - please note earlier time to be held in the JCB (John Curtin Building)
FKH - Charlie P - for her beautiful handwriting.
FKH - Lvy- Rose L - for working do hard on all her activities.
FSI - Akeena K - for her impressive work in maths.
1/2CD - Charlotte B - for her desire to extend her learning.
1/2CD - Easton H - for being a valuable group member.
1/2TT - Peter H - for great contributions to InitiaLit sessons.
1/2TT - Sonny W.B - for great contributions to our class brainstorms.
1/2VW - Harrison J - for a wonderful week in 1/2VW.
2/3BM- Ben H - for his terrific work for the science expo.
2/3BM - Harry K - for his fabulous work for the science expo.
3/4HC - Isabella M- for her commitment and striving to achieve her best in all areas of her learning. Fantastic!
3/4HC - Sidney M- or her excellent work and determination in class. Wonderful reading!
3/4HC - Stella- being an enthusiastic and determined author! Terrific!