Year 12 Academic Assembly

Academic Awards
The Final Mass was followed by the presentation of the Academic Awards for Year 12, 2024. The First in Course Award went to the student who achieved the Number 1 ranking in each HSC course, as measured by School based Assessment. Merit Awards recognised those students who came second in their cohort.
The Dux for 2024 will be based on the highest ATAR rank and will be presented early in the 2025 school year at a ceremony here at the College.
Awards for Application to Learning were then presented to students who had consistently applied themselves to their own learning, and at the same time promoted and respected the learning of others.
Congratulations to all the students whose excellence and application to their studies was recognised during the Awards Ceremony.
Finally, the following Special Academic Awards were presented.
Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation Award
This award recognises students who have excelled in these fields. Ava Moller received an award for PDHPE and Lily Shipway received an award for Community and Family Studies.
University of Notre Dame Academic Science Award
The University of Notre Dame Academic Science Award goes to the most consistent and accomplished performance in Science courses. The University of Notre Dame Academic Science Award for 2024 was presented to Charlie Schneider.
Mr Matthew Hope | Acting Leader of Curriculum