
It has been a busy term in the Japanese classrooms during Term 3. The students were excited to host friends from Nishiawakura, Japan for a week earlier in the term, which saw new friendships, language exchange and cultural understanding. A big thank you to our wonderful host families for their hospitality.
Year 8 students have been busy working on a Vlog which introduces Mater Dei to our friends in Japan. Not only are the students’ language skills on display, but also their acting, filming and editing skills! I urge Year 8 parents & carers to take a look at their finished products.
Year 9 students have been preparing for their excursion to Japan these holidays and have been learning language associated with shopping, restaurants and organising outings. It’ll be great to see them put these skills into practice in Japan!
Ms Genelle Keough | CAPA / LOTE KLA Leader