
Year 7
Semester 2 classes have focused on developing keyboard and ukulele skills by performing various pop music repertoire. Students have grown in confidence and skills throughout the term and have immersed in performance, listening and compositions while learning about the concepts of music.
Year 8
Semester 2 Year 8 Music classes have been further developing their appreciation for varied genres of music with a focus on The Blues in Rock Music. Students have learnt about The Blues and Rock musical characteristics through performance, composition and listening activities. Students have also enjoyed participating in whole class Rock music ensemble lessons on vocals, electric and bass guitar, drum kit, acoustic guitars and keyboards. Students have learnt to perform some classic Rock riffs and songs including: Eye of the Tiger, Sweet Child O’ Mine and Smoke on the Water.
Year 9
Elective Year 9 Music learning focused on the Topic: Traditional Music of a Culture, with Irish Music a focus for Term 3. Traditional Irish Jigs and their musical characteristics were analysed and performed, with the topic culminating in students composing their own jigs for their assessment task using Sibelius.
Year 10
Year 10 are busy working on listening skills focusing on the concepts pitch, dynamics and how composers impart mood into music. They have been comparing original songs with covers of the song and how these concepts vary in each version of the songs. One of the songs they have looked at is “Sweet Child O’ Mine” and another version by Post Modern Jukebox.
Year 11
During the term, Year 11 Music 1 students have been learning about the functions of music in Films. Students have completed Viva Voces based on Film Music for their upcoming practical examination. They have also been rehearsing an individual piece to perform for their final exam and have carefully chosen repertoire which clearly displays their chosen instrument. We wish the Year 11 Music 1 class all the best for their practical exam.
Year 12
Year 12 are busy working toward their HSC performance exams. The class has 9 students this year and they are presenting 32 different songs. We wish them well for their exams and also their Aural exam next term.