Support Faculty

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out” – Robert Collier

Congratulations Year 12, 2024!

We spent the last day of Term 3 celebrating our wonderful Year 12 students with a sausage sizzle and lolly bouquets. Completing thirteen years of schooling is an enormous achievement that deserves to be celebrated! We are incredibly proud of all our students' hard work and resilience over the years, and we wish them all the very best for the future ahead.

Daniel Hooper
Kirrah Paulson
Phoenix Cheetham
Brad Walker
Kiara Baker
Daniel Hooper
Kirrah Paulson
Phoenix Cheetham
Brad Walker
Kiara Baker

Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Late in Term 3, the Support Unit also celebrated Talk Like a Pirate Day! Students engaged in a treasure hunt (with a treasure chest and all!), told pirate jokes and gave their best pirate voices for prizes! All students celebrated the event appropriately and displayed exemplary behaviour. Thanks to S7 for organising!! An additional shout out must be made to Nate in Year 10 for being the fabulous MC of the afternoon! 

Nate, Declan and Bailey as Pirates!
Nate - Our fabulous MC!
Nate, Declan and Bailey as Pirates!
Nate - Our fabulous MC!

Canteen's Bandanna Day

National Bandanna Day is the fundraising and awareness campaign for Canteen. 

Canteen is an Australian organisation that provides free and tailored support to young people aged 12-25 who are impacted by cancer. This year, S9 students held Bandanna Day at FGHS. The students worked tirelessly to raise funds through not only selling bandannas, but also milkshakes and muffins. Thanks to the support for the school and the greater community, the class has raised over $1100 for Canteen!

S9 students wearing their bandannas!
S9 students wearing their bandannas!

All Abilities Touch Football Gala Day

Selected students attended the All Abilities Touch Gala Day on Tuesday November 5 at Tomaree High School. Our students connected with a number of local schools through touch football, playing both competitive and non-competitive matches. Our students won all three competitive matches that they played, and also met an NRL player. They also demonstrated exemplary behaviour - well done team!

Annual Combined Schools Concert

A number of our wonderful Support Unit students will be attending the Annual Combined Schools Concert at Callaghan College Jesmond on November 20 to perform an interpretation of 'In the Hall of the Mountain King,' as trolls from the play 'Peer Gynt'. 

The students have been rehearsing intensely, and with enthusiasm. They all look fabulous in their costumes, and we hope they enjoy their upcoming performance!


As we move closer to the end of the year, the Support Faculty would like to express how proud we are of our students and their achievements, and are excited to see them continue to progress as we wrap up. 


Have a restful summer break!


Ashleigh Moy

Support Faculty