Language - Japanese

To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world. 


Konnichi wa! 

This year all Year 7 students learned about Japanese language and culture. For most, it was their first experience with learning a language other than English. Some loved learning Japanese, others didn’t. All, however, gained some understanding of a culture different to their own and developed learning skills which can be applied to the study of other languages and other subjects in the future.

Our Year 12 Japanese Beginners students have now completed their HSC examinations. I wish them all a very bright and prosperous future. 

All students studying Japanese were fortunate to have the opportunity to try out their new language skills each fortnight this year with our FGHS Japanese Assistants, Eri MacAskill and Yumi Pullman. Students enjoyed participating in the small group speaking and listening activities.



I was fortunate to spend some time in Japan recently. I discovered some new games for our students to enjoy. This game of Tsutsuken can be played individually or in pairs. It was a hit with Year 7 students.

Moon Viewing (otsukimi) Festival

The Autumn moon in Japan is quite spectacular and moon viewing activities are enjoyed all over Japan. Students enjoyed making tsukimi dango which are made from rice flour. They are formed into balls about the size of a ping pong ball then arranged in a pyramid shape and put on display. Our students ate them with cinnamon sugar and chocolate powder. oishii desu ne! (Delicious!)


Technology GO!! 

Congratulations to the students who are consistently arriving to lessons with charged devices, ready for learning. It is important that devices are charged each evening so students have access to their Google Classroom and other language learning sites. If students are absent from a lesson, they are able to access the work on their Google Classroom.

All students learning Japanese at FGHS have access to Japanese content on Education Perfect. This learning tool is used in the classroom but is also a great tool that students can access anytime if they want to reinforce and/or extend language learned in class. 

月・月 August and September Samurai   

omedetou gozaimasu! (Congratulations!) to the following students for selection as the August and September Samurai in your respective classes. 


7S Thomas Morley      Brian Jalonen

7P Hallie Percival & Jake Smith            Parker Holland & Zoe Barrett 

7A Elijah Smith        Layla Spruce 

7R Brailee Boney & Molly Rippon               Destany Beattie

7K Tabitha Gosper                 Khobie Spindler 

7Y Tyrell Picton                Ruby Hewitt

Y12 Kyrahlee Johnson          Elisha Ward


This title recognises students for:


  • positive engagement in Japanese lessons.


  • consistent demonstration of the FGHS values of Respect, Responsibility, Cooperation and Commitment to achieve their potential.


Mrs S. Waller