Junior School

End of Term 

I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate what an amazing Term 3 all our students have had. The Junior School has been constantly abuzz with excitement and each week has been filled with various events which has meant no week has been the same. The busy life of a Trinity Junior School boy was well and truly live in action over this term. I am sure all boys are ready for a restful break to relax and recuperate before heading into the quick fast pace of Term 4. 


I would like to thank all parents, grandparents and families for their support over this term with everything involved in the Junior School. Your time, support at events, donations for various service initiatives and participation is thoroughly appreciated by staff and I know the boys take great pride in sharing their Trinity journey with you all. 


Wishing all families a safe break and look forward to welcoming all the boys back in summer uniform with hats on Monday October 7. 


Mrs Holly Allen 

Acting Head of Junior School 

Interschool Spelling Bee

Congratulations to the following Junior School students who represented the College at the Interschool Spelling Bee on Wednesday, 18 September at St Columba’s School Bayswater.  The boy’s dedication and hard work truly shone through as they tackled some challenging words that even left parents scratching their heads. Their sportsmanship and camaraderie were inspiring, demonstrating not just a commitment to excellence, but also to supporting one another. A huge round of applause for all participants - your efforts have made us all proud! Keep up the great work.


Year 4: Ethan Luo and Joshua Lim 

Year 5: Gideon Quinn-Smith and Sam O’Connor 

Year 6: Leo Arcus and Aiden Luo 

TOBA and Golden Honour Assembly  

Today, our boys had a fantastic time welcoming back TOBA guest Terry Jones ’70, who shared his passion for the bagpipes. His enthusiasm inspired many, and the students loved hearing about his experiences. Congratulations to our TOBA award recipient for this week: Joshua C Lim from 6 White. 


Additionally, we would like to congratulate all the students who received Golden Honour Awards at assembly. Your hard work and dedication have not gone unnoticed. Keep up the great effort! 


Congratulations also goes to Chanel House who won the Tucker’s Tally of Tokens for Term 3. After receiving over 120 Excellence cards over the term. They will all be rewarded with an ice cream treat from the TC Cafe next term. 

Year 5/6 PSA Summer Sport   

Due to a TC Bye, Thursday, 10 October will be the Year 5/6 students first training/grading session for our summer sports. As such, please note that there will be no before school training Wednesday 9 October.  Before school training will resume in Week 2, Wednesday 16 October with our first fixture being held Thursday 17 October against Christ Church.

Uniform Reminder  

As we approach Term 4 and make the switch to Summer Uniform, we would like to take this opportunity to remind parents of the Summer Uniform requirements.  

  • Grey shirt tucked in 
  • Grey College shorts 
  • Collar button undone 
  • Grey College socks

Polished black school shoes with laces tied up (black leather ‘lifestyle’ sneakers are not acceptable


Trinity Bucket Hats to be worn for play at recess and lunch, and for outdoor activities.  

Uniform Shop Hours  

Whilst Thursday 19 September is the last day of Term 3 for students, please note that the final day of trade for the Uniform Shop for Term 3 is Friday 20 September, from 7.30am to 12:30pm.  


We are open on Friday 4 October (during holidays) 7.30am - 1.30pm.  

Week 1, Term 4 Uniform Shop Opening Hours  

Monday 7 October  

7.30am – 11.30am 

Tuesday 8 October  

7.30am – 3.30pm 

Friday 11 October  

7.30am – 1:30pm 

Dates to Remember 

Monday 7 October   

Students Years 4-6 commence  

Wednesday 9 October  

No Year 5/6 Sports Training  

Thursday 10 October  


Year 5/6 PSA Summer Sports training