Prayer and Reflection

An Urgent Prayer for Peace
God of compassion,
we turn to you with heavy hearts
as we consider the needs of your Israeli and Palestinian family.
We are all your people,
each of us is loved by You and called to live in peace and justice.
We lament the dreadful loss of life, destruction of property,
and disregard for human dignity.
We are pained by so much suffering.
We beg you to bring healing to this ancient place.
Help your people find a way forward.
Enable everyone to look each other in the eye,
and embrace each other as sisters and brothers,
as they find your image in every face.
We ask that you grant the courage and grace
needed to create a wiser and more gentle future,
where everyone has a home.
God of wisdom, come to our aid.
(by Michael McGirr, Caritas, 2023)
September 21 marks the International Day of Peace; it is a timely reminder of the importance of praying for peace and of practicing patience, kindness, fairness and gentleness with each other and by doing so contribute to growing a culture of peace within our own families and communities.
Mission and Liturgy Report
We are currently making preparations for a group of 13 McCarthy students to join a Diocesan group who will travel to Sydney to attend the Ignite Conference from 26th-29th September. The theme for this year’s Conference is “Rise Up” and is a gathering of Catholics for four days of real-world formation, renewal of faith, great people and powerful worship. We wish them well and look forward to hearing about their experiences next Term.
Recently, nine Year 10 students assisted with small group activities at the Year 6 Confirmation Retreat at St Nicholas’ Primary School. This was a wonderful leadership opportunity for our students who represented themselves and our school admirably.
Cate Allen
Religion Teacher