Student Awards  - Term 4


                                                                 October "Leave A Trail "


FOUNDATION B - Aidan V for showing leadership and being such a great class friend to everyone in Foundation B.

FOUNDATION B - Nicholas V for contributing ideas and thoughts in maths classes and for enjoying learning about money.


FOUNDATION G - Leo S for starting off the term with a great attitude and for demonstrating that he is ready for learning. Keep it up, Leo!

FOUNDATION G - Aleah J for having a commendable work ethic and for working really hard with her writing especially. You should be so proud of yourself. Well done, Aleah!


FOUNDATION L - Shanaya R for consistently taking pride in her work and demonstrating exceptional care and attention to detail in everything she does.

FOUNDATION L - Henri H for  making thoughtful contributions in our reading group, showing that he is thinking deeply about and enjoying the texts we explore.


YEAR 1/2E - Hailey T for being intellectually curious when investigating Australian coins and asking questions to extend her understanding. 

YEAR 1/2E - Pia S for displaying focus and curiosity when investigating the magnetic properties of objects at Twisted Science.


YEAR 1/2PH - Zoe P for reaching her goals in reading and continuously trying to improve her word knowledge.

YEAR 1/2PH - Oliver V for experimenting and having fun on the excursion with all the activities at Twisted science.


YEAR 1/2D - Chloe C for displaying curiosity in learning tasks and showing initiative by commencing tasks promptly.

YEAR 1/2D -  John A for displaying curiosity during learning time by asking interesting questions. 


YEAR 1/2K - Aria Ng for taking charge of your learning and contributing positively in class. 

YEAR 1/2K - Grace N for consistently setting an outstanding example for peers through your positive attitude, responsible behaviour, and leadership skills.


YEAR 1/2M - Atticus H for demonstrating initiative and taking ownership of his learning. Well done, Atticus!

YEAR 1/2M -  Eddie D for demonstrating his curiosity and passion for learning by actively asking and answering questions during our excursion to Twisted Science. Well done, Eddie!


YEAR 1/2FM - Alexia T for her continued positive attitude towards learning and being a leader by setting a good example to her peers when faced with a challenge. Well done Alexia, you are a superstar!⭐ 

YEAR 1/2FM - Jayden C for showing initiative and being a focused and active member during our class excursion. Well done Jayden and thanks for setting a good example to your classmates. You are a superstar! ⭐


YEAR 3/4B -  Taesha P for working well in writing this week. Taesha is writing a really interesting recount about her trip to India. Her handwriting is also beautiful. Well done Taesha!

YEAR 3/4B -  Ethan T for settling back into Grade 3/4B at St. Mark's. Your return to St. Mark's has been really smooth and looks like you are having lots of fun with your old friends.


YEAR 3/4C -  Ethan K for being such a great role model for his peers and treating everyone with respect. Thank you Ethan!

YEAR 3/4C - Hieu  H for treating everyone with respect, and being an excellent role model for his peers. Thank you Hieu!


YEAR 3/4KC -  Naomi R for the outstanding example she sets for other students through the dedication and enjoyment she shows towards all her learning.

YEAR 3/4KC -  Alex A for working hard to stay focused and concentrate on his work. Keep it up Alex!


YEAR 3/4M - Morgan S for the positive energy she brings to the classroom and for always sharing her thoughts and ideas in a respectful way.

YEAR 3/4M - Ovindi D for following instructions and getting involved in the SAKG program for our first session. Well done Ovindi!


YEAR 5/6K - Chloe N for using your positive and caring nature to make this classroom and school a better place. For showing how you care for people and demonstrating what makes a great friend. Well done, Chloe! 


YEAR 5/6MV - Theo A for transitioning into the St Mark’s community and our class so smoothly. We love having you as a part of our community and our class Theo! 


YEAR 5/6R - Asher H for demonstrating enthusiasm and determination in all areas of his learning. Your positive energy enriches our class! Keep up the awesome work Asher! 


YEAR 5/6S - Lauretta M for embracing her creative ideas, adding her own style to his visual art piece !