Message from the Principal 

James Penson

I hope that everyone was able to enjoy some quality time as a family during the break and that our students had the opportunity for some sleep ins, games, movies and all those activities that seem to relax us but also enable us to re-charge as well. 


Fourth terms are always very busy times for schools with end of year activities and lots of planning and organisation for the next year happening as well. Looking at our school calendar over the next few weeks highlights this and demonstrates that we have hit the ground running. 


To help keep track of this I have attached an updated Community Term Calendar in this newsletter. Don’t forget that our Compass Calendar is now the main go to for making sure you are up to date with all the activities and events each school term. Also, keep your eyes out for our start of term email that is sent out by each of our teaching teams next week. This will contain all the individual details and dates for each level across the school.



Our builders use the school holiday period to get very close to finishing our much overdue project. This included opening the area of the Tigerturf oval that was used as the site sheds area. This was heavily damaged and as such a large section has been replaced.


The asphalt road that runs into the school along past our new Djila Djerring (Play Together) hall has also been replaced.


The G.R.E.A.T news is that we are only a couple of weeks away from full practical completion of our project noting there is a long list of defects to follow up. Our students are really enjoying using the space during PE lessons as you can see by the photo. Mr Daley even put the Cha Cha Slide dance up on the big screen for our cool down and finish to our PE lessons!   



Our 2024 Parent Opinion Survey was completed by 111 families which is an amazing 32% response rate. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all those that completed it.


The survey does inform our decision making. It forms part of the data sets that are analysed every four years as part of a School Review and we also have annual data targets as part of each Annual Implementation Plan.


Our 2023-2027 School Strategic Plan has the following Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Opinion Survey target:

Goal 2: To Strengthen Student Voice & Agency

By 2026, increase positive responses to the Parent Opinion Survey factor group of Student Development from 74% (2022) to 83%.




STUDENT DEVELOPMENT% Positive% Neutral% Negative
Student Agency & Voice81136
This school provides opportunities for my child to make decisions and solve problems.9073
This school provides opportunities for my child to develop a sense of responsibility.8676
My child is taught organizational skills to help them with managing homework and or schoolwork load.662410
Confidence and Resiliency Skills83115
The school provides my child with opportunities to build their confidence.85115
This school encourages my child to persist when learning is difficult.82126

Our 2024 goal in this area of the survey was 77% and we successfully surpassed this with an 82% result! We are also very close to reaching our 2026 target of 83%.


I will share a broader range of Parent/Caregiver/Guardian Survey Data over the next few weeks. 


As we begin the term, I thought that I would outline more details about our Transition Program for 2025. The aim of this program is to ensure that every child feels more confident about next year by removing some of the unknowns before the end of this year!


Our Transition program includes our Year 6 High School Experience Day on Thursday 11th November. This is a day of role play where they will experience different subjects and teaching styles, moving to different areas of the school for lessons as they start to get a feel for what next year might have in stall!   


Our 2025 Prep Transition Program also continues following on from our very successful “Experience Greenhills” sessions. These commence on Monday 11th November, continue over 4 weeks and will be run by our Prep 2025 team. 


On 23rd October at 6.30pm (Library) we have our Prep Information session for parents and carers. Overall, this comprehensive and staged approach enables confidence and comfort to be developed whilst ensuring that our future students develop key school readiness skills. 


At 6.00pm on Tuesday the 26th November, we are hosting a “Step into 2025 Family Education Night”. The focus will be on students attending sessions set up for the following school year level. For example, our Prep students and families will experience what it will be like in our Year 1 classrooms.   


On 5th and 10th of December between 9.15am and 10.45am we will have our “Meet the Teacher” whole school transition sessions. This is where we turn the whole school into 2025. (*Please note that our Preps for 2025 will only attend the first “Meet the Teacher” session on 5th December between 9.30am and 10.30am).


As you can see, there has been lots of thought and time put into developing a very comprehensive transition program across the whole school. We believe this is important, especially given the rise on anxiety levels that schools are experiencing.  The more students can experience and understand what the future looks like at our school, the more prepared and ready they will be. 


If you have any questions about our transition program, please contact me at the school.


Our team have begun the process of finalising our school structure for 2025. Considerations around the social, emotional, academic and physical needs of each of our students will form part of this process. Parents can make requests for consideration when placing their child into their 2025 class. These requests will only be accepted via email and must be received by Friday 18th October:


Please note that requests with respect to specific teachers will not be considered. 


Our staff will use this information as part of all the different considerations taken when building our grades. These factors include the social, emotional, physical and academic needs of all students. It is a complex and time-consuming task as we try to ensure that we set up the best possible structure for a successful 2025. During this entire process our decisions are always guided by one major factor and that is the best interests of our students. Details relating to the school organisation, classes of children and the allocation of teachers will be released to students prior to our first “Meet the Teacher” whole school transition sessions on the 5th December and to parents and carers that afternoon.  




James Penson 
