
Hello Parents/Guardians and Community Members,


Work Experience Success Stories:  

Congratulations to Year 10 on the completion of their second round of work experience last week! Students experienced a vast variety of work experience opportunities with employers locally in Narrandera, Leeton and in Canberra. 

After visiting and calling to speak with most of our host employers throughout the week, it is evident that our students have had a fantastic experience of the world of work and enjoyed the week. The overwhelming feedback from our host employers is that Narrandera High School students demonstrated maturity, were enthusiastic and engaged in their work as well as demonstrating beautiful manners and were professional in the workplace.  

I would also like to thank the two lovely students from Narrandera Public School – Micah and Gypsy who were kind enough to show me around to the seven classes that were hosting our students. Thank you to support of Narrandera Public School who agreed to host seven of our students in the one week!

Without the amazing support of our generous employers and community organisations, our students would not be exposed to the rich variety of careers and opportunities available to them. A massive THANK YOU goes out to all our host employers and their staff for the effort they all go to every time to provide a rich and supportive placement for all our students!


TAFE YES Programs for Term 4:

Our TAFE YES programs are continuing with their courses and our students have been excited to come and share these experiences with me in the career’s office. As always, I receive great feedback from the TAFE staff about our students’ exceptional manners and engagement in these courses. We have two courses currently running; TAFE YES Construction which is running each Friday as well as the TAFE YES Early Childhood/Disability Care Course which has now switched to the Mondays and will continue for another two weeks.  

As always, these amazing courses are due to the tireless work and advocacy for our students by Fee Smith of Narrandera TAFE, so a huge thank to Fee! 


White Card Courses:   30th November TERM 4

We now have a confirmed date for the next White Card Safety Course which will be held on Thursday of week 8 30th November. All students wishing to undertake White Card training are encouraged to see me to have their name put on the list. Due to the rules of SafeWork we can only host 20 students in each course, so I am seeking out another date for the next course which will be in Term 1 2024 for those who miss out this time. The course is completely subsidised by the Department of Education and so there is no cost for the course itself. However, the SafeWork Card does have a cost of $28.50 for each student. Electronic permission notes for the students that will be participating in this upcoming course on the 30th November will be sent out next week.

*All students will need to obtain a Unique Student Identifier Number to participate. I can assist students to obtain this online but will require them to bring in a photo of their Medicare card to obtain this USI. Or students can obtain this online themselves on the following website and will need to bring me a printed copy of this number. I cannot accept handwritten USI’s!


Year 12 Finalising Post School Plans:

We also have our Year 12 graduates are enjoying the freedom of not attending school and I am sure enjoyed the lovely Graduation dinner last week. Graduates are encouraged to make appointments come in to meet with me for any assistance they may need with their future planning and Uni/scholarship applications.

I will be sending all Year 12 Graduates an email with links to resources and example Resumes, Cover Letters and Selection Criteria resources in the coming weeks, however any student/graduate who requires assistance with preparing their job applications are welcome to ring and make an appointment with careers so I can assist them with this process. 


All Careers Events:

All these opportunities are always announced to students at our morning assemblies, year meetings and in our newsletters. Any student or parent who has any questions in relation to these activities or any other careers planning questions are welcome to contact the careers office for further information. 


Mrs Judy Ing

Careers Adviser

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