
Konnichi wa!
This term preps have been revising how to count 1-10 in Japanese, practicing their greetings and playing games with their one-stroke hiragana characters. They are beginning a new unit to learn about farm animals and colours. They have been enjoying The Hungry Caterpillar through song in Japanese.
Grade One & Grade Two
Students have been revising their two-stroke hiragana through games. They have been learning about houses in Japan, the cultural differences between Japan and Australia and the names of the features of a house: door, window, gate, garden and so on, through song and matching the characters to pictures.
Grade Three and Grade Four
Students in Grade Three have been enjoying learning the names of family members in Japanese: mother, father, grandpa, grandma, little brother and sister and elder brother and sister as well as themselves. Grade Three students have also been playing games to practice their three- and four-stroke hiragana’.
Grade Five
Grade Five students have been learning about weather in Japanese: sunny, windy, rainy, snowy and so on. They have also been playing games to practice their three- and four-stroke hiragana.
Until next time,
Taguchi Sensei