Grade Five

In 2023, the Grade 5s had an awesome year! We had many fun activities such as camp and the School Dance Production. This year, the Grade 5’s had a blast at camp! We got to do many fun games and even learn some new things. Some of the activities we got to do were Canoeing, The Giant Swing, Raft Building, The Mud Run and so much more! Camp was so much fun.
We also got to meet and learn about our Prep Buddies! We got to hang out with them every two weeks and we get to hang out with them even more next year! We got to write 2024 School Captain Speeches. The speeches were amazing!
Some amazing authors visited us as well. We learnt about what it's like to be an author and learnt amazing facts about their books! We were visited by Tristan Bancks, George Ivanoff and Amelia Mellor. In conclusion, this was a great year for all Grade 5s!
Written by Gemma 5BR
Grade 5 in 2023 was a thrilling year. We had multiple exciting events such as Grade 5 camp, swimming, athletics carnival, cross country and more. Grade 5 camp was really fun. We got to do archery, flying fox, giant swing and more. Everyone had lots of fun participating in all the activities. It was great making memories and learning from those activities.
Some students even got to participate in regionals and state athletics and compete against other schools. We did a truly incredible job. We got prep buddies this year. We learnt how to bond with younger students, being their role model, teaching them new spectacular skills they haven’t learnt yet.
One of our most fun and latest events was the dance production. Every class in the school got to show their dancing skills and listen to wonderful songs. Our dance teachers were Keira and Jess, they were amazing at teaching us our dances. All together, Grade 5 was extraordinary and everyone had a spectacular and fun time in grade 5.
By Mit, Hayden and Lizzie 5LH |
Grade 5 was such a wonderful year! We got to do so many fun activities together. We went to grade 5 at Camp Rumbug. All the grade 5’s had so much fun and did so many different activities at camp.
We were also very fortunate to have many cooking classes in the school kitchen and learn new recipes to maybe even try at home. At Oatlands we got to do Sport and Art. Many students love to go to Art because they get to be artistic and do what they love doing, drawing, painting and creating. Sport is many kids' favourite because they get to be more athletic and learn some sports you may not have even thought were a thing.
We are very lucky to do a production every year with some talented dancers. We practise for a few weeks until we know it off by heart and then we dance in front of the whole school, parents and teachers. The production is a wonderful experience. 5LK was an amazing class to be in. Everyone's so welcoming and well behaved. I have loved being part of it.
The adventures in Grade 5 were so much fun! Overall Grade 5 was a great year and we are all sad it has to come to an end.
Written by Shanai in 5LK |
Grade 5 should be everyone’s favourite year of Primary School because you get to do a lot of fun and exciting things. Grade 5 Camp was terrific! Screaming on the Giant Swing was a popular thing. Getting mud in your mouth or eyes wasn’t pleasant on the Mud Run.
Grade 5 Sport is always fun because you get to play games. All of the arts and crafts that we did were fun. The Leadership speeches and the Junior School Council speeches and swimming were great. Cross Country and Athletics was even more great because everyone gave it a go. Everyone loved having Prep Buddies. When Grade 5 went to Casey Arc it was fun because everyone listened to the teachers and had fun swimming.
But the best part of Grade 5 was being in the classrooms with our classroom teachers, because that is the only unforgettable memory of Grade 5!
Tye 5MD |
Grade 5 this year has been extraordinary! Grade 5’s have had so many privileges, such as: Grade 5 Camp where we had numerous activities that we have never associated with before. We have become mature enough to hang out with the Preps and we will still get to hang out with them next year when we’re in Grade 6! The Grade 5’s got to participate in author visits, which we have never done before. We met: Tristan Bancks, George Ivanoff and Amelia Mellor. They incited us with mind bending facts about being an author. Adjacent to the end of the year we had the pleasure of writing a Leadership speech for 2024. We got to do multiple end of term activities like; movies, escape rooms, the Minute to Win It Challenge. Grade 5’s are satisfied with all the activities we got to do.
Shenuli 5TW
So far this year Grade 5 has been phenomenal! Grade 5’s have had lots of fun opportunities that we have never participated in before. We’ve been lucky enough to have Prep Buddies the last two years of primary school.
Our year level got to experience different authors such as Amelia Mellor, George Ivanoff but not least, Tristan Bancks, and they all gave us interesting facts about themselves.
Near to the end of the year we had the enjoyment of writing a Leadership speech for the upcoming year. We got to do multiple end of year activities; movies, hot chips, do an escape room and have a Minute to Win It Challenge. Grade 5’s are pleased with all the extra activities that we did.
Hazel 5TW |
5AM has had the best year so far, with our visit to Camp Rumbug, which had insane activities! From a giant swing at the top of the hill (it’s a great view!) to a Flying fox ride across the massive canoeing lake! With many more activities like mud run and raft building, after the long day we got a delicious meal of dinner!
Our Dance Production was definitely a memorable day, our song being Get Ghost, which added a flair to not only our performance, but all the dances. We put in our passion and made it special.
Our Buddies for this year were Preps, which have helped us grow in responsibility to become leaders, like we wrote and presented our Captain Speeches for leadership.
All of us met George Ivanoff, Amelia Mellor and Tristan Bancks, being the great writers they are. They talked to us about their books and their lives as authors. We also got our books exclusively signed!
The Travel Expo was an amazing project, representing a country, making brochures and flags to fit and later, voting for the best representation from each grade. The winning people get an award, which has made an impact on our effort. We hope we will have another positive year in Grade 6!
-Eliza + Cheyenne, 5AM
In 2023, the Grade 5s had an awesome year! We had many fun activities such as camp and the School Dance Production. This year, the Grade 5’s had a blast at camp! We got to do many fun games and even learn some new things. Some of the activities we got to do were Canoeing, The Giant Swing, Raft Building, The Mud Run and so much more! Camp was so much fun.
We also got to meet and learn about our Prep Buddies! We got to hang out with them every two weeks and we get to hang out with them even more next year! We got to write 2024 School Captain Speeches. The speeches were amazing!
Some amazing authors visited us as well. We learnt about what it's like to be an author and learnt amazing facts about their books! We were visited by Tristan Bancks, George Ivanoff and Amelia Mellor.
In conclusion, this was a great year for all Grade 5s!
Written by Gemma 5BR