Principal Report

In what seems like the blink of an eye, here we are in Week 8 of our last school term for 2023 and I have been super impressed with our students and their exceptional behaviour.
Just last week we had our wonderful dance production ‘PUMP IT UP’. Our dedicated and enthusiastic students, and some staff, danced their hearts out over the 2 days of performances. The buzz in the school was truly wonderful to be a part of. Our students displayed tremendous amounts of support for each other cheering and clapping each grade as they performed.
A big thank you to our parent community who turned up to watch the performance live or tuned in online to watch the live stream. Our dedicated PE Team – Mrs James, Mrs Ellis, Mrs Carmichael, worked tirelessly not only on performance day but in the lead up to ensure our students put on an amazing performance.
The Remembrance Day Ceremony occurred on Thursday 9th November, and it never fails to impress. A big thank you to Ms Jamieson for organising and running the event. Well done to our student leaders, who did a great job of speaking during the event and to our students who displayed such respect throughout the ceremony, showcasing what wonderful young people they are. Our special guests were in awe of just how respectful and well behaved our students were throughout the ceremony. Great work OPS students.
Our 2024 Prep students are currently completing their Leap into Learning sessions and are having a great time each week learning the routines of school and becoming familiar with the surroundings in readiness for next year. We look forward to them being a part of our school community next year.
As we get closer to the end of another school year there are a range of emotions our students may be experiencing related to next year, which friend they will be with and who their teacher will be. It is important to arm our students with the tools they require to approach their 2024 school year with confidence and enthusiasm.
To assist with a smooth transition from one year level to the next we provide our students with a Social Story. This allows our students to familiarise themselves with their 2024 classroom teacher/s, the location of their classroom, play areas and other staff in the same year level. Other ways you can help are by building your child/ren’s resilience with some positive talk about the importance of developing friendships with new people and exciting things to look forward to in their new year level in 2024.
Don’t forget our Art Show is coming up and it is definitely worth a visit. Thanks to Mrs Derfi and Mrs Shave for all their hard work and to our students for the wonderful pieces they have created.
Deanne Morgan
Assistant Principal