Library News

Term 4, Week 7

This week is a quieter one in the library with so many primary classes away on excursions but that hasn’t stopped the rest of us from continuing to read great books and thinking about the end of the term ahead.

This Week’s Reads

Kindergarten - are continuing with the beach theme and this week are reading ‘Granny Grommet and Me’ written by Dianne Wolfer and illustrated by Karen Blair. The story revolves around a young boy who spends a special day at the beach with his grandmother, affectionately called Granny Grommet who helps him overcome a fear of going into the water. Students will design their very own surfboard and then illustrate an activity that they like to do with their granny or special older person.

Stage 1 - this week, we’re exploring a different kind of book series in Stage 1. Usually, most series have common characters or authors but the ‘Aussie Kids’ book series uses a variety of children from different cultural backgrounds to tell a story. These books are short chapter books specifically developed for 6-8 year olds. This week, we’re reading ‘Meet Matilda at the Festival’ by Jacquline de Rose-Ahern.  In this wonderful book, Matilda visits her friend at the Japanese embassy in Canberra where she plays taiko drums, makes origami, wears a kimono, and eats tempura and wasabi! It’s been fun looking at images of these, especially a taiko drumming video to make connections to the book. After this, students use their iPads to label the capital cities of Australia, where some of the books in the series take place.


Stage 2 - will be completing their final genre task, creating a poster or slide show about their favourite books, and then persuade others why they should read their favourite genre. If time allows, we’re also going to be reading a new animal non-fiction book from Sami Bayly - ‘How We Came to Be: Creatures of Camouflage and Mimicry’.

Stage 3 - With Year 6 away all week, that leaves Year 5 learning how to identify character traits in graphic novels by exploring illustrations from a variety of books. Students will learn about trademarks of character design such as body type, expressions, clothing, and colour used in each illustration. Students will attempt to identify who is a hero or villain from only visual clues. What do you think?

Check out Kirby's (6S) completed onomatopeia pop art. Wow!

Kirby Kasper
Kirby Kasper

World Book Web - KS & 3G

Last week, KS was lucky to have 3G come to the library to show them how to use World Book Web on their iPads. Students were shown how to log in using a QR code, search for animals, and discover fascinating facts to share with the class. One particular highlight was an animal comparison game, which added an element of enjoyment to the learning experience.

3G and KS
3G and KS

Meet the Helper

Pippa Butcher
Pippa Butcher

Meet Pippa, one of the fantastic students who likes to help out in the library at snack. I would be lost without these great helpers. Thanks for doing a great job, Pip!

Quick Bits

  • Don’t forget - borrowing closes at the end of Week 8. Time to round up any overdue books! Overdue notices will be going home next week.
  • Premier’s Reading Challenge Certificates - haven’t arrived yet but will be handed out in assemblies later in the term.
  • Quick Quiz - Which superheroine works in a library during the day?
  • High stakes chess - Mr Smith was able to hold on for the win against Jaxon is KS and some 6S helpers. Just!

Happy reading,

Mrs. Toni Fraser