Upcoming Dates 

This Week 

Year 10 Work Experience 

Year 6 Canberra Excursion 


Wednesday 22 November

7am Year 5 Lake Keepit Excursion until Friday departing from the Tourist Centre 

8am Year 3 Thalgarrah Excursion (day only) departing from school 

9:15am - 1:10pm Final Kindergarten transition in Kindergarten classrooms

2:45pm K-2 Assembly & 3-6 Assembly


Thursday 23 November 

9:15am Year 4 Copeton Dam Excursion until Friday (depart school)

School Advisory Council AGM 


Friday 24 November 

9:15am KD Prayer Celebration at SHC 

Secondary Assembly led by 7M 

Next Week 

Year 10  Copeton Dam, Mass Practice, Graduation Mass & Dinner/Dance 

Secondary Diocesan Cricket in Armidale 

Principal's Meeting 

Primary Tennis and basketball Diocesan Trials 

Save the date:

Wednesday 6 December 

Infants Christmas Concert 

All students K-2 will be performing. We are combining this with Grandparents Day this year. 

11:00am Welcome and morning tea, tour of the classrooms

12:00pm Infants Christmas Concert in the hall.


Tuesday 12 December 

Presentation Day  

10am Years 3 to 6 

12pm Secondary 


The end of year is coming! 


  • Begin to look for library books, text books and other school equipment to return 
  • Give consent on Compass for any end of year activities