Wellbeing event

Dear CJC community,


Thank you to all that attended The Butterfly Foundation presentation on Wednesday night. 

For those who could not attend, below is the link to the event handout and the presentation. The Butterfly Foundation website has incredible resources and I urge you to look at it. 


Please note this link expires 10/12/23. 


Kind regards, 


Shauna Sanderson


Event handout - available here.


Recording Link:  https://butterfly-org-au.zoom.us/rec/share/D2xr_hLo5zqXJElbci7iU8v4udh0-durO27u4liwPKpQtBc-D9uxMCSAl0O7ooul.ictdfQBfA9Ud3niP

Passcode: 4&Vgbf*^       Expires: Midnight 10/12/23


Butterfly National Helpline - Free and Confidential

Should you have any concerns about eating disorders or body image issues, whether for yourself or someone you care about, Butterfly' specialist counsellors are available, 8am - Midnight (AEDT), 7 days a week via phone, email or webchat.  Find out more here.


Looking for more free resources?

You can access a wide range of additional resources - videos, factsheets, family activities and more through Body KindFamilies.  This Butterfly initiative helps Australian families create a home environment that supports positive body image in teens and encourages everyone to be kind to their own body and to others.  Body Kind Families resources can be accessed for free here For any parent with younger children there are free resources available as part of Butterfly’s primary school program, Butterfly Body Bright, here.



Butterfly National Helpline:  1800 ED HOPE (1800 33 4673)