Focus on Learning



What's the Time Mr Wolf? 

For the next two weeks in Kindergarten we are learning to tell the time on the hour using an analog clock. We are learning about the short hand being the hour hand and the long hand, points to the 12, telling us that it is something o'clock. We have started to write the time digitally on a whiteboard. 


Kindergarten  students have been lucky enough to join with Year 1 & 2 of a Wednesday for sport. For the past few weeks, we have been lucky enough to have Mitch Power teach us many Tennis skills and drills. By the end of our sessions we were able to volley, hold a rally and control where we were hitting the ball. 


Each fortnight Kindergarten are lucky enough to have a music lesson with a professional music teacher from the CON, in Tamworth. Last week we were introduced to some 'wind instruments'.  During our lessons we had to identify high or low sounds, different paces and listen to a range of familiar songs or rhymes.