Learning Space News

In Literacy, students have been learning about fairytales. Students have read a different fairytale each week, participating in fun learning experiences such as growing a beanstalk in response the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. To further extend their learning, students have been making some text to text connections as they identify the similarities and differences between each fairytale.
Students have continued building a strong number sense with numbers to at least 20. They have revised concepts such as addition and subtraction through games. Students have also revisited applied concepts, such as measurement, sharing, shape and time. They have particularly enjoyed completing a variety of interactive activities on Seesaw.
This term, students have been learning about ‘Community’ during Inquiry unit. They have built their knowledge around people and places within their community. Investigating the key question ‘Where are the important places in my world?’, students have enjoyed participating in a variety of excursions and incursions. They created a community project that used recycled materials brought from home.
Nurse Visit
In October, we were fortunate to have a nurse come and visit. She taught us many things about the role a nurse plays and how important they are in our community. We learnt that nurses can check our health, help us feel better when we are ill and give us medicine. The nurse showed us some equipment she uses in her job including a thermometer, stethoscope, pulse oximeter and a bandage. We were all able to have our temperature taken and fortunately we were all ok! Some of us were able to have our heart rate checked with a pulse oximeter and listen to our own heartbeat with a stethoscope. We have learnt a lot about how important nurses are to our community and some of us have decided we’d like to be a nurse when we grow up!
Community Walk
Students started the exploration of the inquiry topic with an interesting walk around the local area. They made their way up Athol Road towards Springvale Road, noticing important businesses and services which make up their community, including: dental and doctors’ surgeries and a technology repair store. They saw the local post office, bakery, supermarkets, fish shop, restaurants and cafes. Students stopped at a park to spend some time in the playground and then made their way past more local businesses including: 7 Eleven, a pharmacy, a newsagent, a hairdressing salon and a laundry/dry cleaning store. They also saw a police car, which turned on its lights and siren for them and they saw where the local fire station was. This experience helped students to build lots of useful ‘Community’ vocabulary very quickly.
Igniting Curiosity: Firefighter Visit
Friday 27th October the Springvale South Firefighters visited us. The focus of the day was on fire safety, offering a hands-on learning opportunity for our young learners.
The firefighters began with a presentation in the learning space, where they demonstrated the importance of staying low in the event of a fire. The students actively participated in a simple yet crucial exercise – crawling out of a "burning building" remembering how to do it with the chant, 'Get down low, and go, go, GO!'
Following this, the firefighters shared practical tips such as the 'Stop, Drop, Cover, and Roll' technique for handling a clothing fire whilst the students energetically practised the routine.
The highlight of the day for the students was undoubtedly the chance to explore the fire truck and even try their hand at using the fire hose. The student’s smiles and laughter echoed the success of the visit, making it a memorable and enjoyable experience for everyone involved.
Paramedic Visit
On Thursday 2nd November, students had a visit from Katy, a paramedic from Ambulance Victoria. She came to the school to teach our students about her job. Katy talked about what she does: driving an ambulance, her uniform and then gave students the chance to ask some questions.
Students then got the chance to go outside and have a close look at an ambulance. Katy explained all the important parts of the ambulance and some of the special things you would find inside, like the medication. They got a chance to go into the ambulance and pretend they injured themselves. Kai explained that he was in the ambulance because he broke his leg.