From the Principal

With just two and a half weeks remaining until the end of the school year, Athol Road Primary School shows no signs of slowing down. We still have a range of exciting programs ahead for our students.
Be sure to mark the dates and times of our upcoming events and programs on your calendars!
Kinder – Year 6 School Concert
Friday 1st December in the School Hall, 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Tomorrow is our whole school annual concert ‘Dance the Night’ and today you would have received your tickets to the show - Please check your eldest child’s bag!
The students have been busy rehearsing, preparing, organising and getting ready for one of the biggest nights of the school year!
In order for the school concert to be a great success and a positive experience we ask everyone to please take note of the following:
- Students must be at school by 5.45pm and need to go to their learning spaces.
- Doors open for the audience at 6.00pm and the show will commence 6.30pm SHARP.
- Please do not be late and remember to bring your tickets. No ticket – No entry!
- The concert will be streamed live on Facebook for those who may have missed out on a ticket or those who wish to watch from home.
- If you are taking photos or video of your child you MUST NOT share them or post them on social media if other children are in the images.
- Mobile phones must be off or on silent and everyone must be seated. No standing and no talking is permitted during the show.
- Students will be dismissed from their learning spaces at the end of the show. The show will conclude at 8.30pm.
I am confident the school concert will be a wonderful evening and a true celebration of dance, music and drama. I am looking forward to our school community coming together to celebrate our amazing children and their participation in the Performing Arts.
Miss Brewer has been working very hard to put the show together and I am certain we all will thoroughly enjoy the show!
Please note: the office is no longer selling concert tickets. There are a few tickets remaining which we will sell at the door tomorrow night for any family members who have missed out.
Maximum of 2 per family. $5 each. Cash only. First in best dressed!
Other upcoming events:
Foundation – Year 2 Swimming:
Parents of Foundation – Year 2 students have received all the necessary information for the upcoming swimming program.
Important ReminderParents can only attend the swimming pool if they have a WWCC – Working With Children’s Check.
If you are attending the swimming lesson, you must present your WWCC card on entry.
Please note, there is to be no photography or video at the swimming pool.
Year 5/6 Bike Education:
Next week our Year 5/6 students will be participating in a 5-day Bike Education Program.
Bike Education teaches fundamental road safety skills to students by understanding road rules and risks of being on the road.
The program gives children the opportunity to learn about safe riding behaviours, road rules and riding in a shared environment.
Bike Ed uses practical lessons to ensure riders have the physical abilities to ride safely.
Year 4 Doxa Camp:
Next week our Year 4 students are going on a 3 day, 2 night camp.
Doxa Camp offers children the opportunity to be immersed in the Australian bushland and to learn and have fun in the outdoors.
All outdoor activities are supervised to high safety standards. Activities offered at Doxa Camp are: Climbing tower; Giant swing; Giant ladder; Crate stack; Leap of faith; River ecology; Bush walking; Archery; Cooking; Initiative activities.
I know the Year 4 students and teachers are looking forward to a great camping experience and I look forward to hearing about all their adventures.
Statewide Transition Day:
On Tuesday 12th December, our Year 6 students will spend the whole day at their Secondary College to support the Year 6 to Year 7 transition process.
On this day, our Foundation – Year 5 students will attend school as normal and spend the day participating in a school wide transition program.
Students will work in their 2024 learning space and meet their teachers for next year.
Our new 2024 Foundation students will also participate in their special transition program in the morning followed by a family bbq.
Our transition processes at Athol Road PS provide an opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with their new learning environment, meet their peers and teachers, and establish a sense of belonging.
Please see page 3 for a full list of the Athol Road PS 2024 staffing.
Year 6 Graduation Dinner and Ceremony & Year 6 Special Day:
Our Year 6 students are gearing up for the last weeks of their primary school journey, marked by the eagerly anticipated graduation dinner and ceremony on Wednesday 13th December.
Additionally, they'll enjoy a special day at Bounce on Friday 15th December, sharing moments with their peers to celebrate the culmination of their time in primary school.
Keep an eye out for our final newsletter for 2023, dedicated to honouring our graduating students. This newsletter will be published on Tuesday 19th December.
Dux Assembly:
The annual Dux Assembly will be held in the school hall on Monday 18th December at 2.45pm.
This assembly acknowledges and recognises the learning and growth of students in Foundation – Year 5.
There will be 2 Dux awards and 2 most improved/encouragement awards presented for each year level.
Family and friends are welcome to attend.
Carmel Nigro
Acting Principal