Level 1

Level 1

2024 Level  2  WhatsApp group

We are excited to announce the introduction of our 2024 level WhatsApp groups. 

2024 families, please use your phone to scan the QR code below.  Each level currently has a parent representative. The role of the parent representative is to regularly check in with teachers and post anything on the chat that is helpful to families in remembering the many things happening at HEPS. All families must read the norms below before agreeing to join the group. 


2024 WhatsApp norms 

The purpose of this group is to share information and keep us up to date with events relevant to our level. By joining this group, you agree to be respectful and courteous. All participants will be friendly and kind in their messaging. As this is not an official school channel, any questions about the general running of the school from an academic or Education Department perspective or involving any staff member should be raised with school leadership. 


The purpose of this group is to share information; any disagreements between people in the chat will be resolved offline and outside of the group. We all acknowledge that any message that is deemed by the level representative (s) to not meet these rules will be deleted. Continued failure to abide by the rules will result in the removal of the offending person (s) or the disbanding of the group. 


2024 Level 2 WhatsApp group

Level 1


In Level 1 we have been enjoying learning all about money. We have been revising money and its value as well as beginning to add collections of money! The students loved mixing Digital Technology with maths this week as they were able to explore Kmart and be part of a budgeting activity for the wishing tree appeal. The students selected a person who they had $15 to budget for and buy a gift for Christmas. This was a great activity that worked on student’s computer skills, money adding as well as having a thoughtful meaning of giving to and thinking of others who may be less fortunate than us. 


We have enjoyed writing procedures over the past week. Students designed, planned, and developed their own board games where they had to write a set of instructions. Students enjoyed playing and exploring each other’s games when they were completed. In Reading, students have enjoyed working on their visualising skills. It was great to see all the students having different interpretations to some fun visualisation passages. Below is one you can try at home with your child!


Looking ahead:

Friday the 15th December - Reports are live to parents. 

Monday 18th December - ‘Meet the teacher’ transition.

Monday 18th December – End of term disco.

Tuesday 18th of December - Level 1 Class party. Please bring your $3 and KK present if you wish to be a part of the end of year celebration by next Tuesday.

Wednesday 20th December – Last day of Term 4