Maths and IT News

Pi Digits Competition

Congratulations to Our Pi Digits Champions! We are thrilled to announce the outstanding achievements of our students in the recent Pi Digits Competition at school. Their dedication and hard work have truly paid off, and we couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments.

  1. ZiChong Yao (7.3): Set a new school record with an incredible 430 digits of Pi.
  2. Leah Chen (7.4): Amazed us all with 260 digits of Pi.
  3. Vivaan Lad (7.3): Recited an impressive 210 digits of Pi.

These students have demonstrated exceptional memory skills. Their achievements are a testament to the power of perseverance and intellectual curiosity.


We encourage every student to continue nurturing their curiosity and exploring the wonders of mathematics. Remember, the journey of learning is just as important as the destination. Keep pushing your limits and striving for excellence!


Keep up the great work, everyone!


Misty Chen and Hayley Graham

Maths Captains

Insights from IT Assembly

We were honoured to have Mr Mike O’Dwyer, one of our dedicated parents, share his expertise at our recent IT Assembly. His presentation was both enlightening and engaging, providing valuable insights into the world of cybersecurity.


Key takeaways:

  • Tips to Stay Safe Online: Mr O’Dwyer emphasised the importance of strong passwords, being cautious with personal information, and recognising phishing attempts.
  • Common Tricks Hackers Use: He highlighted tactics such as creating a sense of urgency, secretly collecting personal information, and using generative AI to deceive users.
  • Careers in Cybersecurity: Mr O’Dwyer also discussed the growing field of cybersecurity and the various career opportunities available.

We are fortunate to offer a number of IT courses at Oxley that delve into cybersecurity, providing our students with the knowledge and skills to navigate and protect the digital world.


Daniel Balla

IT Captain