Principal's News

Dear Families,
We’re now halfway through Term 3 (can you believe it?), and the past few weeks have been filled with enriching experiences and significant learning opportunities for our children. I have much to report to you this week so find a comfy chair, strap in…let’s go!
Our Year 5/6s have been especially busy with both Camp and Confirmation, marking important milestones in their school and faith journey. I invite you to read their thoughtful reflections.
5/6 Camp: A few messages from our 5/6s who were on camp
Stephanie: Last week at camp in Phillip Island, we had an enjoyable time. We had so many activities like Archery, Team Rescue, Giant swing, Disc golf, twin flying foxes and Amaze n’ things. We all had so much fun we are so grateful for this experience. On behalf of the students I think we all can agree that we want to go again.
Eddie: Camp was a fabulous experience! We went to Phillip Island Adventure Resort, the drive was two hours long. After an hour and a half of driving we stopped to watch the pelicans and have some potato cakes and chips. Seagulls were everywhere, they ate a good deal of our food before we left again to complete the last leg of our journey.
We split into five groups, each one with a different teacher. At about 3pm we participated in our first activity and from there we rotated around doing one more activity before dinner and then going to bed. The next day we repeated that process again. On the last day we had to pack up in the morning so that we could leave early and be back home quickly. On the bus ride home, we sang songs to pass the time, the bus driver even played a song that we could sing along to. When we got back to school we took our luggage and went home.
Confirmation: A few messages from our Confirmation candidates
Leilani: It was a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine when the grade sixes did their confirmation. Bishop Martin and Fr. Thang greeted us as we stepped into the church. Everything ran smoothly and the mass was soon over. Some families went out to celebrate afterwards.
Richard: On Sunday, we took a big step in our spiritual journey. Confirmation was a special moment for me and my family. Bishop Martin was there and helped us all take this step. My sponsor was also there to support me and sit with me in the church. I am grateful for this day!
Sophie: On Sunday the 11th August, I celebrated my confirmation. I received the gift of the Holy Spirit. My family was there to support me during this special time. My saint was Saint Lucy, I chose her because she was the saint from my nanna’s village. Afterwards, we went out for dinner.
I enjoyed the day and I hope to become a better person, just like St Lucy!
Inquiry Units
Across the school, our Inquiry Units are in full swing, with a strong focus on Geography and History across all year levels:
- Preps: Engaged in exploring their immediate surroundings of Kensington such as parks, schools and shops. They will widen their knowledge of the community services available to them such as libraries, firefighters, police and ambulance in the coming weeks.
- Year 1/2: Delving into the changes of childhood in Australia beginning with their experience and going back to how childhood was experienced back in the 1800’s
- Year 3/4: Investigating democracy in Australia and contrasting the difference between rules and laws.
- Year 5/6: Focusing on global geography and its impact on communities using the Olympic Games as the basis to gain skills and knowledge.
A Warm Welcome
Last week, we welcomed two new STEM teachers, Meeka, who is teaching Prep to Year 2 and Year 3/4White, and Lisa, who is teaching Years 3 to 6. The children are currently engaged in activities centred around the Olympics:
- Prep to Year 2 students designed Olympic medals, reflecting the city they chose as the next Olympic host. Over the coming weeks, they will identify the Olympic sports that use boats. They will design and make the perfect boat that will carry a heavy weight. They will test their boats, modify and retest their new designs.
- Years 3 to 6 students discussed the role of mascots in sports and illustrated their own mascots. They will soon be building catapults to launch balls into hoops, working on determining the best angle for maximum accuracy while explaining the science and maths behind their efforts.
Prep 2025 Transition
Our Prep Transition Program has also commenced, with interviews taking place for our future Prep children and their families. Each new Prep 2025 child has received a t-shirt, and it’s wonderful to see them wearing these around Kensington. If you spot them, please introduce yourselves. We are proud that many parents articulated that they chose Holy Rosary because of the engaged, friendly, and articulate children and teachers they met during school tours. We still have a few enrolment spots left, so if you know anyone interested in a tour, please send them our way!
Vinnies Winter Appeal Disco
Each year, we contribute to the Vinnies Winter Appeal, and this year we decided to also extend our donations to Kensington Food Pantry. Last Thursday, the SRC organised a disco in our hall, where entry was granted in exchange for a non-perishable, tummy-warming food items or warm clothes and blankets. The turnout was incredible, and the variety of goods collected was truly heart warming. These items have now been handed over to the appropriate organisations for distribution to those in need within our community. Thank you all for your generous support of this great cause.
Mini Olympics with Kelly Sports
What a fabulous morning we had cheering each other on as we competed in challengers hosted by Kelly Sports. Thankfully the rain held off and the photos speak for themselves!
Book Week
This week is Book Week! Book Week has a rich history of celebrating Australian authors and illustrators, highlighting their contributions to children's literature since 1945. And is back for another year.
Book Week 2024's theme is "Reading is Magic," celebrates the vital role of books in nurturing young minds. The official artwork for this year's event is by renowned Australian illustrator Jess Racklyeft, known for her vibrant and whimsical style. At Holy Rosary, the celebrations will culminate after a week of studying and enjoying the short-listed books on Friday 23 August, with a series of exciting events. The day will kick off with a Book Parade at 9am, where students will dress up as their favourite book characters or perhaps if the mood strikes, a costume depicting this year’s theme. The staff can’t wait to reveal our costumes! This will be followed by a Gallery Walk, where children will showcase displays inspired by one of the nominated texts, beautifully adorning the school corridors. Parents are invited to walk the halls, enjoying the creative works and celebrating the joy of reading with the school community. Children will then continue interacting with the books through art and craft activities. Happy Book Week 2024, everyone!
Pertussis: Whooping Cough
As parents have been previously alerted, we have a number of cases of this highly contagious and serious illness in our school community. Symptoms present themselves in different states over a 4 week period with the following:
Early pertussis symptoms may resemble those of the common cold. These symptoms may persist for one to two weeks and may include:
- Slight fever.
- Mild or occasional coughing.
- Runny nose.
- A pause in breathing in babies (apnea).
Symptoms of pertussis begin to lessen after four weeks, although bouts of coughing can recur for months after symptoms start.
If you notice any of these symptoms we kindly ask that you keep your children at home and visit your doctor.
Key messages from the Department of Health and Western Public Health Unit for your information
- Infants, pregnant women and children who have not been fully vaccinated are at increased risk of serious illness and hospitalisation.
- Early diagnosis and treatment of pertussis is important.
- Pertussis vaccination reduces the risk of infection and complications
- Pertussis must be notified by medical practitioners and pathology services to the Department of Health in writing within 5 days of diagnosis or parents may report pertussis cases to Western Public Health Unit: 1800 497 111 or
- School and children’s services centres exclusions apply to cases and contacts. Contacts and children under seven years who do NOT have three documented doses of pertussis-containing vaccine: must be excluded for 14 days from their last exposure to a child diagnosed with pertussis, or until five days of appropriate antibiotics have been completed.
For more information:
- Pertussis (‘whooping cough’) Better Health Channel website
- Pertussis-containing vaccines
Additional information about school exclusions
If we all work together, we can reduce the spread. Children will be sent home if they present with symptoms.
Muscular Dystrophy: Run For Strength
On a sunny morning last Sunday, 11 August, members of the Holy Rosary community came together at Princes Park in Carlton for the annual Run for Strength walk to raise money for Muscular Dystrophy Australia.
Students, teachers, families, and friends gathered to show their support and complete the 5km walk around Princes Park. The event aimed to raise awareness and funds to support research and resources for those affected by muscular dystrophy. Thanks to the generosity of our school community and beyond, team Oscar raised an incredible $4,402! These funds will go directly to Muscular Dystrophy Australia, helping to make a difference in the lives of many.
Well done Charles in 12W for completing the challenge.
Login the Challenge application here
Challenge ends on 6 September 2024.
Have a wonderful week. Stay healthy. Hopefully we’ll see you on Friday at the parade and gallery walk!
Maria, Deputy Principal