College News

College Account Matters
Have you been receiving reminder letters and/or SMS messages regarding your College account fees?
Should you wish to discuss your account in relation to payment arrangement options and/or the submitting of a financial hardship application, please do not hesitate in reaching out to the Business Manager – Helen Brill. Confidential meetings and/or telephone conversations can be arranged for a time convenient to you. Helen can be contacted on 69692400 or
Uniform Shop - October School Holidays
Please be informed that the Uniform Shop will be closed during the October school holidays. Please be mindful that there will be a change of season before the start of the next term. Should you need to purchase clothing items, please do so either before the end of term or alternatively from Monday 14th October, first day of term 4.
Uniform Shop
Brenda Carroll
The 340 "City of Griffith" Squadron
The 340 "City of Griffith" Squadron is a small branch of the Australian Air Force Cadets youth organisation. The squadron paradesweekly in which cadets participate in practical and theory Drill and Ceremonial, Fieldcraft, Aviation and Service Knowledge and Leadership lessons. These lessons prepare them for exciting activities in the holidays and weekends where cadets have the opportunity to meet cadets from all over NSW, in activities including: bivouac (camping)activities, Leadership courses, flight and drone experience,competitions and balls, tours and camps on RAAF bases. These activities aim to develop essential skills and qualities such as teamwork, accountability, problem solving, confidence and leadership.Recently the 340 SQN has had the honour of hosting General the honourable Sir Peter Cosgrove AK, CVO, MC, former Chief of Defence Force and former Governor General, current Patron of the ADF cadets. On the 29th of June 2024, Sir Peter attended the 340 SQN Griffith and 223 ACU Joint dining at night. He was hosted by the Dining President of the evening; CUO Aida Wiseman and shared many of his stories with the cadets. Sir Peter presented "Patron of ADFC Challenge Coin" to CUO Wiseman, LCDT Lynch and CDT A. Oldham. We recruit at the beginning of each year and I believe there are fliers at the front office.
Members from Marian include:
CUO Aida Wiseman
CCPL Riley Hoffmann
LCDT Gemma Lynch
CDT Luca Vian
CDT Jonah Vian
CDT Aaliah Oldham
CDT Rylan Oldham
CDT Kristian De Benetti
By Aida Wiseman