ICAS write ups from Year 9 Phoenix students


My name is Suhaan and I had my ICAS on Friday right after my City Program. I had loads of fun during the City Program. My highlight of it was on Thursday. 


Once my group had already finished all our work, we explored the CBD and ate tasty food from the restaurants there. Then the next day, I was prepared for the ICAS as I was doing past papers to help me revise. The test went great and I am very excited to see my results.

By Suhaan S

On Friday we, that is the year nines (and the year ten world classics students), did the ICAS English competition, which allows us to extend and use our English knowledge. 


Though we were tired from city program which had ended the day before, we filed into the classroom, and into the assigned seats which had our session codes on them to take the test on our laptops. 


The test, which had sixty minutes to answer fifty-five questions, was at times confusing and challenging but we persevered and did our best.

We’re all excited to see how we did on the ICAS, and though it was hard, we’re grateful for the opportunity. 


By Julia K