Literacy News

Book Week
What a fabulous 2024 Book Week we’ve had! We have been able to immerse ourselves in the magical world of literature! With daily activities, we have had lots of opportunities to enjoy and experience many different book related activities.
The Great Book Swap
Our Great Book Swap was a fabulous success, and a great way to kick off Book Week. So many children were able to select a book to take home to enjoy, whilst helping to raise $333.90 for The Indigenous Literacy Foundation.
Thank you to the community for your generous book donations. We have been blown away with the beautiful books that have come through our doors.
Book Week Dress Up and Activity Day
What a day! Our annual Book Week Dress Up and Activity day did not disappoint! The creative and colourful costumes were shown off with pride during our parade which was enjoyed by all. The rotational activities provided us an opportunity to explore some of the CBCA nominated books for 2024 and complete activities based on the books. Thanks to the parents for always supporting these days by encouraging their children to get dressed up.
It was so much fun!
Nicole Werner MP Visit
As part of our Book Week celebrations, we had the pleasure of having Nicole Werner MP visit the school to read a story to the students. The Foundation & year 5/6 students enjoyed listening to Nicole read the story, 'The Wonderful Things You Will Be'. Nicole kindly donated the book to the school library so that all the students can enjoy this beautiful story. We then gave Nicole some books to begin her book collection for her growing family to enjoy.
Drop Everything and Read
This was a Book Week initiative that was a big hit with the year 3-6 students. Everyone was so calm and relaxed after it, that it might become a regular feature in our program.
Meerkat Production of 'Timeless'
To finish off our Book Week celebrations, we watched an adaptation of the book ‘Timeless’ performed by Meerkat Productions. It was a light hearted show where Emit, a young boy tries everything to get more time as he is surrounded by the busyness of his family. He finally discovers that if you want time, you have to make it.
The students all came to the show with a picture of a jar of things that money can’t buy such as happiness, hugs, love, family time and smiles.
Premiers' Reading Challenge
This event ends on the 6th September and we're hoping to have every student at DPS complete this challenge. We are almost there with 250 students meeting the requirements to complete the challenge.
As a school we have read over 11,500 books which is amazing. Keep reading Donvale, as it would be great to get to the 12,000 book mark!
Congratulations to Sophie in 3/4F & Eliza in FV who are our latest Reading Champs.
Writers' Festival
As our Book Week celebrations come to a close, our attention turns to our Writers' Festival. This event will be held on Wednesday 18th & Thursday 19th September. In most classes, writing strategies will have been taught and revised in preparation for the students to start writing about their treasured possession.