Year 6 team

Our Year 6 team will be having their leadership day on Tuesday. We are excited for this day which will include two guest speakers, leadership and team building activities, lunch and 'surprises' packed in the personalised bags which our students have been working on in art. We hope they enjoy the day.
By Evie and Ellie
Bec is a thoughtful and affectionate person that plays a huge part in our school community. She supports teachers and students with reaching their goals in life. She is our school tutor and helps teachers with their learning. She is a kind hearted person and is always willing to help others even if she has an unbelievable workload.
1. What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you?
One time when I was 11 I was walking in front of a massive crowd at the horse races and I tripped and I fell so hard that I passed out and then I woke up when everyone was staring at me it was so embarrassing.
2. What jobs did you want to play a part in before teaching?
I always considered teaching but I think the one career that I really wanted to do was to be a zoologist or veterinarian.
3. Has there ever been a time where you approached something dangerous?
Last year when I went to Port Douglas we went snorkelling and this giant shark swam under me and that was a situation I didn't really like being in.
4. What do you like about teaching?
My favourite thing about being a teacher is definitely the relationships you build both with the families, the kids and the other teachers around you.
5. What do you dislike about teaching?
I think the thing that I dislike the most about teaching is I put a lot of pressure on myself to do things really well and sometimes you just don't have enough time to do it as well as you want and you have to be okay with that sometimes..
6. What do you like to do outside of work?
So outside of teaching my favourite things to do are running and recently I started doing a lot of hiking. At the beginning of this year I walked 61 kilometres to raise money for Oxfam and that was probably one of the biggest achievements in my life so far so I do lots of nice things outside of work.
7. Where is your favourite place to teach?
I really love teaching my tutoring groups at the moment because with groups of five or six kids you just really get to meet all of their needs but I do love when I get back into the classroom and I've got to take a whole class again because I do miss that sometimes.