
Are you able to help?
Next term, beginning in week 3, we will be looking at '5 ways to wellbeing' as a whole school. The five ways include 'Give, Connect, Keep Learning, Take Notice and Be Active'. We would love to involve our community so if you are interested, have a resource/skill that you are happy to share please get in touch with Kirsty. Each week will be a different focus and ideally, on Fridays, we would like to invite people to come and share their skills/time. Some ways you could get involved may include-
Give - involving our kids in making/doing something for someone else in our community...
Connect- coming to talk about a club/resource in our community...
Keep Learning- teaching a new skill, knitting, hammering, a game (chess)...
Take Notice- going on a walk/using our 5 senses, meditation, yoga...
Being Active- playing a game, an exercise class, dancing...
You will need a Working with Children Check that needs to be seen at the office.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Holidays are coming, so what's on?
Dance, swimming/water fun, wildlife show- click the link for dates and information
Melbourne and surrounds- free or budget friendly attractions, exhibits and more!