SAKG- Preps

PN and PA have been busy in the garden; raking leaves to add to our compost, weeding our fruit trees, and planting seedlings of broad bean and sugar snap peas grown from seed earlier in the term. We have harvested bucket loads of produce such as potatoes, silverbeet, rocket, parsley, spring onions, coriander and rhubarb. We have planted parsley seedlings into terracotta pots to take home. Some Grade 6 students helped us to make herb posies to be dried for later use.
In the kitchen PN and PA have prepared and cooked many delicious dishes; rosemary lavosh, greens and ricotta fritters, herb salad with honey and mustard dressing, roasted root vegetables, savoury muffins, pumpkin/sage/chickpea sausage rolls, coleslaw, fried rice, risotto, rhubarb crumble, garden salad, and flatbread.