Principal's Report

The spring holidays are coming and this marks the end of a busy term 3!
Since our last newsletter we celebrated book week with an array of costumes and fun activities. Thanks to Red Door books for their donations for our competitions.
Congratulations to our volleyball team!
A while ago the boys' volleyball team won all of our games at Romsey, therefore bringing us forward to Bendigo with not only some sharper skills but a will to get Wiley a day off of work. That took us to Bendigo where we won every game we played. Now we have to prepare ourselves for Swan Hill to play a few more games there. If luck and skill are on our side on the day we will potentially and hopefully get to state. Wish us the best of luck!- by Jack
3/4 Swimming was a great success. We received feedback form the instructors about how well mannered, enthusiastic, wonderful behaviour and respectful the cohort were and what a pleasure it was to have them.
Preps and Year 5/6 students will be swimming in week 1 of term 4. Don't forget your swimming gear on the Monday, including your cap!
It was a great turnout to the disco. Lots of snazzy moves, glowing and smiles! Thanks to the Brown family for your donation and organisation, and to the volunteers on the night.
Regional Athletics
Wishing our students all the best for Monday 16th September in their events at Regional Athletics!
Friday 20th September
Reminder, footy colours day and early dismissal on Friday 20th. Wear your favourite colours from your football, netball, soccer, rugby or team of choice. We will be having an assembly in the morning followed by activity stations lead by our Year 6 team after recess. Students will be dismissed at 2:15.
Choir will be performing at the assembly.
Artist in Residence
Week 2 of Term 4 we will be hosting our 'Artist in Residence' Bernard Mangakahia who will be working with all students to learn dances from Hawaii, New Zealand, Samoa, Fiji or Native American Indian throughout the week. Information has been posted on Compass but a reminder to keep Thursday the 17th free so you can attend the whole school concert. Thanks to fundraising, the cost has been heavily subsidised and we've been able to keep this to a minimum.
Message from our Student Council
Our student council have been planning away for the Lancefield Show which will be coming up the second week of term 4.
The stall will include lucky dip, raffle hamper, lolly bags, colouring competition and guess the amount of marbles. We will need volunteers to help man the stall/handle money on the day. Please look out for this roster at the start of term 4. Students are busy writing letters for donations for the hamper. If you are able to assist with a donation for the hamper or lucky dip prizes please drop it into the office.
Lastly, thank you to parent and family helpers who have helped in various ways throughout the term with our many events, activities and experiences. We appreciate your time and support. Have an enjoyable last week, and a safe and happy holiday.