Principals Message

We have had a great start to Term 3.
I was delighted to travel to Sydney with Narrandera High School's Aboriginal Education Officer, Ms Joy O'Hara as she was presented with her highly deserved Secretaries Award for Excellent Service. You can read more about this award and Aunty Joy in a later section of this newsletter.
Students in Years 8, 10 and 11 have been receiving information about their elective choices for 2025. The Narrandera High School staff have endeavoured to ensure that students have information in relation to the subjects that are offered and what happens (content, practicals, expectations, equipment, etc) in these courses.
Parents and families should be having conversations with students to ensure that they make informed choices. 2025 Stage 6 students have had a number of opportunities to receive information about the subjects they could study for their HSC. Parents and students have been invited to attend interviews with the Careers Advisor, Mrs Ing, or I to discuss student choices and their future plans. Thank you to the parents and students who attended these interviews last week and who have made appointments for later this week. Parents can still make appointments for after school this Wednesday or Thursday using the Sentral Parent Portal. Parents can make appointments outside of these times by contacting the front office.
Students' forms need to be returned to the front office by Tuesday August 20.
Students in Year 8 were given their elective information on Monday in their Year Meeting. Students are to return their forms with their elective choices to the front office by Tuesday August 20.
There are some important events in the next few weeks for our Stage 6 students.
- The Student School Leaders elections and speeches will take place later in this term. Students in Year 11 have until Monday of Week 6 to nominate for these six positions - two captains, two vice captains and two prefects. The 2025 Student School Leaders will be presented their badges at the Formal Assembly in Week 9.
- Stage 6 Trial HSC Exams will take place in Week 6. These exams will take place at the Clubrooms at the Narrandera Sportsground.
Tania Maddison