Guardian's of St Leonard's

Guardians of St Leonard's Update
Two weeks ago, the guardians of St Leonard's had an incursion about the Monash Council bin system. We had a lady named Celina come and talk to us about our community bins and how to use them appropriately. We also learnt about the 5Rs: ‘Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repurpose’ and how we can use the 5Rs to reduce our waste consumption.
During the incursion we brainstormed ideas for a few of the 5R s and did an activity with a partner where we looked at soft and hard plastics. We discovered why it is important to use the 5R s in our community and learnt about how some councils have different coloured bins.
We completed an activity with a partner to look at how we can repurpose soft and hard plastics. Each pair was given an item to work with and they had to explore whether it was a hard or soft plastic. If it was a soft plastic, it could be scrunched up in our hands, if not, this would mean it was hard plastic. Most hard plastics can be recycled, soft plastics however, cannot instead they can be repurposed and turned into something else. With our partners we came up with some creative ideas on how to repurpose the items that Celina gave us. Please see some of our designs below.
Lastly, Celina spoke to us about the ‘Actions for Earth Challenge’ which is being run by the Monash Council. On behalf of the whole school, the Guardians have decided to take part in the challenge and will work together to tick off each action outlined on the list below. By taking part, our school will go in the running to win prizes for our school and we will be recognised in the Monash Council bulletin.
At the end of the incursion, the Guardians captains thanked Celina for coming on behalf of St Leonard's and we had a wonderful time learning about how to be more eco friendly.
by Catia & Anthonio on behalf of the Guardians of St Leonard's