Learning in 1/2C
with Mrs Foale and Mrs Atyimas
Learning in 1/2C
with Mrs Foale and Mrs Atyimas
On Tuesday we dressed up as our favourite book character. A Lot of people dressed up as Harry Potter and Hermione. We did the parade and it was fun. Then we did three activities which were also fun. After lunch we played outside with our costumes on. I dressed as Hermione for Book Day. I had a good day yesterday.
by Aryana
Yesterday was so exciting. I woke up and I dressed up as Hermione Granger. Mrs Atyimas dressed up as the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz. We watched a show after lunch and my favourite thing was the acting and storytelling.
by Olive
This Tuesday we celebrated Book Day. In the morning I got up and changed into my fairy costume. I got to school and we took photos. After that we went outside and the school did a parade and 1/2C was the first to show their costumes. Next we went into groups and i was in group number three with Evelyn and Nyree. At lunch I played with Macy. After lunch we watched a show about Charlie and Suze. My favourite part of the day was when we did the parade on the basketball court.
by Zoe N
Yesterday was Book Day! I dressed up as Captain America because I like Captain America.
Firstly there was a parade. Everyone walked around to show how beautiful, scary, how handsome they looked and they looked fancy and awesome.
After the parade we got back into the classroom and we went into groups to do some activities. We did the pizza, the spinning thing. Then we lined up and I was in group 5.
After lunch we went to the Community Centre to watch them do the good moves. They tried to be good to each other. They respected each other. They were nice to each other and tried not to yell at each other.
Then we lined up to go home. I feel great about Book Day. I feel good and wonderful.
by Alex C
On Tuesday I walked to school and I was dressed up as Billie B. Brown. First we did the parade. I showed everyone my costume. My friend Zoe was dressed up as a fairy. After that we got split into groups. I was in group four. We had so much fun in the activities. Every rotation had a book theme. Some of the books were Timeless, and the Concrete Garden. At the end of the day the whole school watched a show called Maybe a Miracle.
by Macy
Students practised Guided Meditation. They sat in a circle with their eyes closed as they were guided through prayer. They were told to allow images to flow through their minds. Questions students were guided with included:
When we pray to God, who do you imagine you are talking to?
What does God look like?
Does God have a face?
Do you see God in a place?
Do you see Jesus?
Think of a prayer you would like God to hear and then in your mind make a picture of God and say that prayer to them.
At the end of the guided meditation students shared what they saw and drew a picture of what they thought God looked like to them.
Here are some of their pictures.