Junior School

Year 7+8

Coordinator Messages

Over the next two weeks we will be running our end of term assemblies led by our student leaders. We will be celebrating student achievements and learning about RUOK? Day in the lead up to our Junior School sessions on this topic during period 1 on the 12th of September. 


Early Leaver & Late to School Process: 

All students who arrive late with parent permission are to report to Jenny at the Junior School Office to collect a late pass. This applies to all periods during the school day. If students are leaving early, they are to collect a pass from Jenny PRIOR to leaving the school grounds, even with a note placed on Compass. 


Key Messages from our Upcoming Assemblies:

Below are some important messages that we would like to share with all of our families to help make our school community safer and work cohesively: 



Term 3 Key Dates

Wed 4 SepYear 7 Division Sport 
Year 8 Assembly - Period 3 
9Wed 11 SepYear 7 Assembly - Period 2 
 Thu 12 SepRUOK? Day - Activity Period 1 
10Tue 17 Sep

Y7-11 Student-Parent-Teacher Interviews (virtual)

No classes Y7-12


Absences: Please log absence on Compass or call Jenny Richards on 9091 8136


For all absences for medical reasons please submit a medical certificate to Junior School, this ensures the attendance percentage will be approved.


All family holidays during term time are unapproved school absences. 

Please fill in the attached form if this is applicable to your family and update Compass absence details accordingly. https://forms.office.com/r/q7nnA3nqcD


Students are responsible for catching up on any missed work and assessments and may be required to stay after school to ensure this work is completed.


All enquiries related to missed class work should be directed to classroom teachers via Compass.